1. 目的
2. フォルダ構造
3. aparcとasegのまとめ方
4. wmparcのまとめ方
5. Brain Stemの計測
6. 出力結果
6.1. aseg
6.2. wmparc
6.3. brainstem
1. 目的
2. フォルダ構造
$ tree . ├── CC001 │ ├── mri │ │ └── brainstemSsVolumes.v10.txt │ └── stats │ ├── aseg.stats │ ├── lh.BA.stats │ ├── lh.BA.thresh.stats │ ├── lh.aparc.DKTatlas40.stats │ ├── lh.aparc.a2009s.stats │ ├── lh.aparc.stats │ ├── lh.curv.stats │ ├── lh.entorhinal_exvivo.stats │ ├── lh.w-g.pct.stats │ ├── rh.BA.stats │ ├── rh.BA.thresh.stats │ ├── rh.aparc.DKTatlas40.stats │ ├── rh.aparc.a2009s.stats │ ├── rh.aparc.stats │ ├── rh.curv.stats │ ├── rh.entorhinal_exvivo.stats │ ├── rh.w-g.pct.stats │ └── wmparc.stats ├── CC002 └── CC003
3. aparcとasegのまとめ方
- –subjects : subject folderを指定
- –delimiter : 区切り文字を指定
- –table(file) : 出力ファイル名の指定
- –meas : 計測対象を指定。皮質厚の場合はthickness (#aparcstats2tableのみのオプション)
export SUBJECTS_DIR=$PWD # aseg asegstats2table \ --subjects $(ls -F |grep / |cut -d / -f1) \ --delimiter=comma \ --tablefile aseg.vol.csv # aparc ## lh aparcstats2table --hemi lh \ --subjects $(ls -F |grep / |cut -d / -f1) \ --delimiter=comma \ --meas volume \ --table lh.aparc.volume.csv ## rh aparcstats2table --hemi rh \ --subjects $(ls -F |grep / |cut -d / -f1) \ --delimiter=comma \ --meas volume \ --table rh.aparc.volume.csv
4. wmparcのまとめ方
import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np def get_wmname(sub): with open(sub + "/stats/wmparc.stats") as f: result = [row.strip () for i, row in enumerate(f.readlines()) if i >= 63 ] wmname = [] for row in result: tmp_val = [] for val in row.split(" "): if val != "": tmp_val.append(val) wmname.append(tmp_val[4]) return wmname def get_wmvol(sub): with open(sub + "/stats/wmparc.stats") as f: result = [row.strip () for i, row in enumerate(f.readlines()) if i >= 63 ] wmvol = [] for row in result: tmp_val = [] for val in row.split(" "): if val != "": tmp_val.append(val) wmvol.append(tmp_val[3]) return wmvol # list folders files = os.listdir(".") folders = [f for f in files if os.path.isdir(f)] sub_id, all_wmname, all_wmvol = [], [], [] for i, sub in enumerate(folders): if i == 1: sub_id.append(sub) all_wmname = get_wmname(sub) all_wmvol.append(get_wmvol(sub)) else: sub_id.append(sub) all_wmvol.append(get_wmvol(sub)) df = pd.DataFrame(all_wmvol, index=sub_id, columns=all_wmname) df.sort_index().to_csv("wmseg.csv")
5. Brain Stemの計測
recon-all -all -s bert -brainstem-structures
すでに、recon-all -all
recon-all -s bert -brainstem-structures
各被験者のBrain-Stem volume結果をまとめるには次のコマンドを使用。
ただし、FreeSurfer versionによっては「brainstemSsVolumes.v10.txt」のファイル名が異なる。
echo "" >> brainstem_vol.txt echo Medulla >> brainstem_vol.txt echo Pons >> brainstem_vol.txt echo SCP >> brainstem_vol.txt echo Midbrain >> brainstem_vol.txt echo Whole_brainstem >> brainstem_vol.txt for k in $(ls -F |grep / |cut -d / -f1);do echo $k > tmp1 cat $k/mri/brainstemSsVolumes.v10.txt | cut -d " " -f2 >> tmp1 paste brainstem_vol.txt tmp1 > tmp2 cat tmp2 > brainstem_vol.txt done rm tmp1 tmp2
6. 出力結果
####aparc (lhのみ)
lh.aparc.volume | lh_bankssts_volume | lh_caudalanteriorcingulate_volume | lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_volume | lh_cuneus_volume | lh_entorhinal_volume | lh_fusiform_volume | lh_inferiorparietal_volume | lh_inferiortemporal_volume | lh_isthmuscingulate_volume | lh_lateraloccipital_volume | lh_lateralorbitofrontal_volume | lh_lingual_volume | lh_medialorbitofrontal_volume | lh_middletemporal_volume | lh_parahippocampal_volume | lh_paracentral_volume | lh_parsopercularis_volume | lh_parsorbitalis_volume | lh_parstriangularis_volume | lh_pericalcarine_volume | lh_postcentral_volume | lh_posteriorcingulate_volume | lh_precentral_volume | lh_precuneus_volume | lh_rostralanteriorcingulate_volume | lh_rostralmiddlefrontal_volume | lh_superiorfrontal_volume | lh_superiorparietal_volume | lh_superiortemporal_volume | lh_supramarginal_volume | lh_frontalpole_volume | lh_temporalpole_volume | lh_transversetemporal_volume | lh_insula_volume |
CC001 | 2318 | 1802 | 5756 | 2654 | 1476 | 7944 | 10552 | 10073 | 2404 | 9799 | 7142 | 5479 | 4294 | 8916 | 2237 | 3267 | 4286 | 2156 | 3420 | 2435 | 9525 | 2876 | 13489 | 9070 | 2719 | 13135 | 17687 | 12328 | 10130 | 8677 | 654 | 2568 | 1135 | 5921 |
CC002 | 2228 | 1464 | 5130 | 2359 | 1252 | 10454 | 9426 | 8519 | 2760 | 9473 | 6898 | 5715 | 4917 | 9127 | 1704 | 3423 | 5596 | 1777 | 3196 | 2458 | 7681 | 2890 | 11703 | 8323 | 2306 | 11127 | 18289 | 11653 | 10041 | 9281 | 505 | 2253 | 1103 | 5970 |
CC003 | 1949 | 1178 | 4583 | 1948 | 1589 | 9473 | 10751 | 10139 | 2439 | 7841 | 6288 | 4407 | 4322 | 7663 | 2314 | 2872 | 3641 | 1573 | 2725 | 1331 | 8929 | 2521 | 11441 | 8670 | 1969 | 10178 | 18529 | 11355 | 9141 | 7869 | 567 | 2451 | 886 | 5892 |
6.1. aseg
Measure:volume | Left-Lateral-Ventricle | Left-Inf-Lat-Vent | Left-Cerebellum-White-Matter | Left-Cerebellum-Cortex | Left-Thalamus-Proper | Left-Caudate | Left-Putamen | Left-Pallidum | 3rd-Ventricle | 4th-Ventricle | Brain-Stem | Left-Hippocampus | Left-Amygdala | CSF | Left-Accumbens-area | Left-VentralDC | Left-vessel | Left-choroid-plexus | Right-Lateral-Ventricle | Right-Inf-Lat-Vent | Right-Cerebellum-White-Matter | Right-Cerebellum-Cortex | Right-Thalamus-Proper | Right-Caudate | Right-Putamen | Right-Pallidum | Right-Hippocampus | Right-Amygdala | Right-Accumbens-area | Right-VentralDC | Right-vessel | Right-choroid-plexus | 5th-Ventricle | WM-hypointensities | Left-WM-hypointensities | Right-WM-hypointensities | non-WM-hypointensities | Left-non-WM-hypointensities | Right-non-WM-hypointensities | Optic-Chiasm | CC_Posterior | CC_Mid_Posterior | CC_Central | CC_Mid_Anterior | CC_Anterior | BrainSegVol | BrainSegVolNotVent | BrainSegVolNotVentSurf | lhCortexVol | rhCortexVol | CortexVol | lhCorticalWhiteMatterVol | rhCorticalWhiteMatterVol | CorticalWhiteMatterVol | SubCortGrayVol | TotalGrayVol | SupraTentorialVol | SupraTentorialVolNotVent | SupraTentorialVolNotVentVox | MaskVol | BrainSegVol-to-eTIV | MaskVol-to-eTIV | lhSurfaceHoles | rhSurfaceHoles | SurfaceHoles | EstimatedTotalIntraCranialVol |
CC001 | 37058.4 | 1011.5 | 16164.4 | 38981.6 | 6843 | 3338.3 | 5360.1 | 1110.2 | 1872.6 | 1800.4 | 16125.3 | 3742.2 | 1604.7 | 1896.4 | 411.5 | 3217.3 | 123.7 | 1545.9 | 32916.5 | 1167.8 | 14133.9 | 38528.6 | 5500 | 3579.4 | 4640.5 | 1533 | 3777.3 | 1791 | 485.9 | 3377.6 | 78.8 | 2250.4 | 3.2 | 3994.9 | 0 | 0 | 45.7 | 0 | 0 | 317.3 | 1088.5 | 292.8 | 333.8 | 358.1 | 959.4 | 1083033 | 1001404 | 1000251.316 | 207264.634 | 202815.0315 | 410079.6655 | 214103.7471 | 218492.9033 | 432596.6504 | 51317 | 537801.6655 | 971737.3159 | 895513.3159 | 894975 | 1491464 | 0.708591 | 0.975813 | 12 | 14 | 26 | 1528431.47 |
CC002 | 13223.5 | 788.7 | 16425.8 | 40452 | 9575.9 | 2850.7 | 3605.3 | 720.9 | 1301.8 | 2185.2 | 21441.9 | 3400.9 | 1760.7 | 1733.1 | 437.9 | 3835.2 | 87.5 | 1677.5 | 12254.4 | 380.7 | 16553.9 | 43973.6 | 7719.5 | 2902.6 | 3093.5 | 1090.6 | 4185.4 | 1880.1 | 562.7 | 3705.1 | 27.9 | 1973.1 | 15.5 | 2032.4 | 0 | 0 | 28.2 | 0 | 0 | 172.1 | 1042.6 | 366.9 | 416.7 | 422.4 | 853.2 | 1051867 | 1016551 | 1016029.561 | 198464.6049 | 201233.972 | 399698.5769 | 221079.9779 | 228023.0058 | 449102.9836 | 52151 | 534712.5769 | 932305.5605 | 902100.5605 | 901346 | 1484953 | 0.696805 | 0.983701 | 35 | 16 | 51 | 1509557.937 |
CC003 | 18422.9 | 873.6 | 14908.2 | 41111.2 | 8277 | 2982.7 | 4649.6 | 1417.1 | 2492.8 | 1497.9 | 17573.2 | 3362.6 | 1574.2 | 1342.6 | 345.8 | 3907.2 | 92.4 | 1713.7 | 19819.9 | 939.3 | 15407.7 | 41400.7 | 6487.8 | 2988.3 | 4805.9 | 1635.3 | 3503.2 | 1521.3 | 436.6 | 3935.3 | 53.8 | 2268.7 | 0 | 12013.7 | 0 | 0 | 371.5 | 0 | 0 | 212 | 775.2 | 337.8 | 370.3 | 388.7 | 641.1 | 983765 | 934645 | 933889.1318 | 187178.4982 | 186464.2799 | 373642.7781 | 197476.6 | 199021.7536 | 396498.3537 | 52891 | 507882.7781 | 869181.1318 | 825200.1318 | 823469 | 1339837 | 0.778802 | 1.060688 | 38 | 36 | 74 | 1263176.796 |
6.2. wmparc
Measure:volume | wm-lh-bankssts | wm-lh-caudalanteriorcingulate | wm-lh-caudalmiddlefrontal | wm-lh-cuneus | wm-lh-entorhinal | wm-lh-fusiform | wm-lh-inferiorparietal | wm-lh-inferiortemporal | wm-lh-isthmuscingulate | wm-lh-lateraloccipital | wm-lh-lateralorbitofrontal | wm-lh-lingual | wm-lh-medialorbitofrontal | wm-lh-middletemporal | wm-lh-parahippocampal | wm-lh-paracentral | wm-lh-parsopercularis | wm-lh-parsorbitalis | wm-lh-parstriangularis | wm-lh-pericalcarine | wm-lh-postcentral | wm-lh-posteriorcingulate | wm-lh-precentral | wm-lh-precuneus | wm-lh-rostralanteriorcingulate | wm-lh-rostralmiddlefrontal | wm-lh-superiorfrontal | wm-lh-superiorparietal | wm-lh-superiortemporal | wm-lh-supramarginal | wm-lh-frontalpole | wm-lh-temporalpole | wm-lh-transversetemporal | wm-lh-insula | wm-rh-bankssts | wm-rh-caudalanteriorcingulate | wm-rh-caudalmiddlefrontal | wm-rh-cuneus | wm-rh-entorhinal | wm-rh-fusiform | wm-rh-inferiorparietal | wm-rh-inferiortemporal | wm-rh-isthmuscingulate | wm-rh-lateraloccipital | wm-rh-lateralorbitofrontal | wm-rh-lingual | wm-rh-medialorbitofrontal | wm-rh-middletemporal | wm-rh-parahippocampal | wm-rh-paracentral | wm-rh-parsopercularis | wm-rh-parsorbitalis | wm-rh-parstriangularis | wm-rh-pericalcarine | wm-rh-postcentral | wm-rh-posteriorcingulate | wm-rh-precentral | wm-rh-precuneus | wm-rh-rostralanteriorcingulate | wm-rh-rostralmiddlefrontal | wm-rh-superiorfrontal | wm-rh-superiorparietal | wm-rh-superiortemporal | wm-rh-supramarginal | wm-rh-frontalpole | wm-rh-temporalpole | wm-rh-transversetemporal | wm-rh-insula | Left-UnsegmentedWhiteMatter | Right-UnsegmentedWhiteMatter |
CC001 | 2925 | 2762.7 | 6601.8 | 2336.3 | 579.4 | 5657.4 | 9285.9 | 5771.2 | 4040 | 8779.4 | 6602.2 | 4990.2 | 3065.7 | 5261.5 | 1520.6 | 3335.3 | 3277.8 | 883.4 | 3049.5 | 3329.7 | 7734.1 | 4228.5 | 13701.9 | 9239.6 | 2662.9 | 11357.6 | 15431.4 | 12371.3 | 6273.3 | 7390.8 | 141.7 | 576.6 | 1105.2 | 8191.2 | 2799 | 2680.2 | 5440.3 | 2439.1 | 430.4 | 5110.1 | 11592.2 | 4709.9 | 4187.3 | 8267.3 | 6254.9 | 6909.4 | 3311.9 | 5331.2 | 1478.3 | 4632.1 | 3602.6 | 1045.2 | 2980.8 | 3908.2 | 6865.2 | 4190.5 | 11798.2 | 10210.4 | 2057 | 12338.4 | 15838.8 | 11781.2 | 6749.2 | 8375.8 | 250.8 | 651.9 | 646.7 | 8237.9 | 29358.3 | 30753.8 |
CC002 | 2550.3 | 2551 | 5794.4 | 2271.9 | 592 | 7762.7 | 9147.5 | 5679.2 | 4133.5 | 9755.3 | 6559.1 | 6138.7 | 3698.5 | 4925.1 | 1382.7 | 3790 | 4914.5 | 742.4 | 3597.5 | 3723.8 | 6478.3 | 4766.7 | 12476.3 | 8710.1 | 2560.6 | 11304.2 | 16989.6 | 12974.7 | 8548.1 | 8630.8 | 152.6 | 731.3 | 958.4 | 7857.9 | 2243 | 3502.7 | 5766 | 1996.7 | 562.1 | 7317.3 | 11037.8 | 5585.4 | 3902.7 | 9115.5 | 6192.2 | 6739.3 | 3663.1 | 5487 | 1436.4 | 5018.9 | 3032.7 | 1181.1 | 3937.5 | 4195.1 | 7653 | 5025.2 | 12929.3 | 8695.7 | 2353.7 | 11923.5 | 15849.5 | 13578.8 | 8221.4 | 8953.5 | 267.8 | 644 | 563.4 | 9315.8 | 25862.5 | 28235.8 |
CC003 | 2791.5 | 3067.6 | 5542.2 | 2001.4 | 705.3 | 6605 | 9246 | 5889 | 3455.8 | 6859.9 | 6289.1 | 4614.7 | 3036.7 | 5115.9 | 1588.5 | 4051.4 | 2720.2 | 738.3 | 2281.9 | 2393.7 | 7252.4 | 3741.7 | 12757 | 8773 | 2983.4 | 9870.5 | 15184.3 | 10613.1 | 6126.2 | 7300.9 | 177.1 | 824.3 | 796.2 | 9027.7 | 2502.4 | 2630.2 | 4438.6 | 2399.9 | 640.1 | 6858 | 10302 | 5133.4 | 2860.7 | 8340.2 | 5191.2 | 4649.2 | 2949.5 | 5792.5 | 1542.6 | 3950.9 | 3000.1 | 962.8 | 3059.2 | 2391.3 | 7117.3 | 3555.7 | 13722.1 | 9428.6 | 1871.3 | 10707.4 | 15004.4 | 10056.3 | 5532 | 8236 | 236.4 | 566.4 | 518.8 | 8760.9 | 22167.4 | 23004.2 |
6.3. brainstem
Sub001 | Sub002 | Sub003 | |
Medulla | 5055.255047 | 3525.950826 | 4963.488455 |
Pons | 14902.281191 | 9690.186276 | 14694.493219 |
SCP | 228.536551 | 154.9365 | 273.623867 |
Midbrain | 6336.645556 | 3991.233358 | 5651.538489 |
Whole_brainstem | 26522.718345 | 17362.30696 | 25583.14403 |