1. 目的
2. FSLを用いる場合
2.1. コマンド
2.2. 使用例
3. MRtrixを用いる場合
3.1. コマンド
3.2. 使用例
1. 目的
- NIfTIヘッダーの確認
2. FSLを用いる場合
2.1. コマンド
Usage: fslhd [-x] <input> -x : instead print an XML-style NIFTI header
fslhd <入力画像(NIfTI)>
2.2. 使用例
fslhd DWI.nii.gz
filename DWI.nii.gz sizeof_hdr 348 data_type INT16 dim0 4 dim1 130 dim2 130 dim3 82 dim4 129 dim5 1 dim6 1 dim7 1 vox_units mm time_units s datatype 4 nbyper 2 bitpix 16 pixdim0 -1.000000 pixdim1 1.769231 pixdim2 1.769231 pixdim3 1.800000 pixdim4 4.900000 pixdim5 1.000000 pixdim6 0.294996 pixdim7 73966.875000 vox_offset 352 cal_max 0.000000 cal_min 0.000000 scl_slope 1.000000 scl_inter 0.000000 phase_dim 0 freq_dim 0 slice_dim 3 slice_name alternating_increasing_2 slice_code 5 slice_start 0 slice_end 81 slice_duration 0.000000 toffset 0.000000 intent Unknown intent_code 0 intent_name intent_p1 0.000000 intent_p2 0.000000 intent_p3 0.000000 qform_name Scanner Anat qform_code 1 qto_xyz:1 -1.769231 0.000000 -0.000000 119.242340 qto_xyz:2 0.000000 1.769231 -0.000000 -103.683487 qto_xyz:3 0.000000 0.000000 1.800000 -58.573616 qto_xyz:4 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 qform_xorient Right-to-Left qform_yorient Posterior-to-Anterior qform_zorient Inferior-to-Superior sform_name Scanner Anat sform_code 1 sto_xyz:1 -1.769231 0.000000 0.000000 119.242340 sto_xyz:2 0.000000 1.769231 0.000000 -103.683487 sto_xyz:3 0.000000 0.000000 1.800000 -58.573616 sto_xyz:4 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 sform_xorient Right-to-Left sform_yorient Posterior-to-Anterior sform_zorient Inferior-to-Superior file_type NIFTI-1+ file_code 1 descrip TE=70;sec=73966.8750;phaseDir=+;dwell=0.295 aux_file
は各次元でのマトリックスサイズを示しており、以下の情報から入力した拡散MRI画像(DWI.nii.gz)は、130 x 130の画像でスライス枚数が82、この画像が129ボリュームで構成される画像、であることが分かる。
dim1 130 dim2 130 dim3 82 dim4 129
はボクセルサイズ(mm)を示しており、この場合、1.769231x 1.769231x 1.800000であることが分かる。
pixdim1 1.769231 pixdim2 1.769231 pixdim3 1.800000
sform_xorient Right-to-Left sform_yorient Posterior-to-Anterior sform_zorient Inferior-to-Superior
3. MRtrixを用いる場合
3.1. コマンド
mrinfo: part of the MRtrix3 package SYNOPSIS Display image header information, or extract specific information from the header USAGE mrinfo [ options ] image [ image ... ] image the input image(s). DESCRIPTION By default, all information contained in each image header will be printed to the console in a reader-friendly format. Alternatively, command-line options may be used to extract specific details from the header(s); these are printed to the console in a format more appropriate for scripting purposes or piping to file. If multiple options and/or images are provided, the requested header fields will be printed in the order in which they appear in the help page, with all requested details from each input image in sequence printed before the next image is processed. The command can also write the diffusion gradient table from a single input image to file; either in the MRtrix or FSL format (bvecs/bvals file pair; includes appropriate diffusion gradient vector reorientation) The -dwgrad, -export_* and -shell_* options provide (information about) the diffusion weighting gradient table after it has been processed by the MRtrix3 back-end (vectors normalised, b-values scaled by the square of the vector norm, depending on the -bvalue_scaling option). To see the raw gradient table information as stored in the image header, i.e. without MRtrix3 back-end processing, use "-property dw_scheme". The -bvalue_scaling option controls an aspect of the import of diffusion gradient tables. When the input diffusion-weighting direction vectors have norms that differ substantially from unity, the b-values will be scaled by the square of their corresponding vector norm (this is how multi-shell acquisitions are frequently achieved on scanner platforms). However in some rare instances, the b-values may be correct, despite the vectors not being of unit norm (or conversely, the b-values may need to be rescaled even though the vectors are close to unit norm). This option allows the user to control this operation and override MRrtix3's automatic detection. OPTIONS -all print all properties, rather than the first and last 2 of each. -name print the file system path of the image -format image file format -ndim number of image dimensions -size image size along each axis -spacing voxel spacing along each image dimension -datatype data type used for image data storage -strides data strides i.e. order and direction of axes data layout -offset image intensity offset -multiplier image intensity multiplier -transform the transformation from image coordinates [mm] to scanner / real world coordinates [mm] Options for exporting image header fields -property key (multiple uses permitted) any text properties embedded in the image header under the specified key (use 'all' to list all keys found) -json_keyval file export header key/value entries to a JSON file -json_all file export all header contents to a JSON file DW gradient table import options -grad file Provide the diffusion-weighted gradient scheme used in the acquisition in a text file. This should be supplied as a 4xN text file with each line is in the format [ X Y Z b ], where [ X Y Z ] describe the direction of the applied gradient, and b gives the b-value in units of s/mm^2. If a diffusion gradient scheme is present in the input image header, the data provided with this option will be instead used. -fslgrad bvecs bvals Provide the diffusion-weighted gradient scheme used in the acquisition in FSL bvecs/bvals format files. If a diffusion gradient scheme is present in the input image header, the data provided with this option will be instead used. -bvalue_scaling mode enable or disable scaling of diffusion b-values by the square of the corresponding DW gradient norm (see Desciption). Valid choices are yes/no, true/false, 0/1 (default: automatic). DW gradient table export options -export_grad_mrtrix path export the diffusion-weighted gradient table to file in MRtrix format -export_grad_fsl bvecs_path bvals_path export the diffusion-weighted gradient table to files in FSL (bvecs / bvals) format -dwgrad the diffusion-weighting gradient table, as interpreted by MRtrix3 -shell_bvalues list the average b-value of each shell -shell_sizes list the number of volumes in each shell -shell_indices list the image volumes attributed to each b-value shell Options for exporting phase-encode tables -export_pe_table file export phase-encoding table to file -export_pe_eddy config indices export phase-encoding information to an EDDY-style config / index file pair -petable print the phase encoding table Standard options -info display information messages. -quiet do not display information messages or progress status; alternatively, this can be achieved by setting the MRTRIX_QUIET environment variable to a non-empty string. -debug display debugging messages. -force force overwrite of output files (caution: using the same file as input and output might cause unexpected behaviour). -nthreads number use this number of threads in multi-threaded applications (set to 0 to disable multi-threading). -config key value (multiple uses permitted) temporarily set the value of an MRtrix config file entry. -help display this information page and exit. -version display version information and exit.
mrinfo <入力画像(NIfTI)>
3.2. 使用例
mrinfo DWI.nii.gz
************************************************ Image name: "DWI.nii.gz" ************************************************ Dimensions: 130 x 130 x 82 x 129 Voxel size: 1.76923 x 1.76923 x 1.8 x 4.9 Data strides: [ -1 2 3 4 ] Format: NIfTI-1.1 (GZip compressed) Data type: signed 16 bit integer (little endian) Intensity scaling: offset = 0, multiplier = 1 Transform: 1 0 0 -109 -0 1 0 -103.7 -0 0 1 -58.57 comments: TE=70;sec=73966.8750;phaseDir=+;dwell=0.295
- マトリックスサイズ (タグ:Dimensions):130 x 130
- スライス枚数 (タグ:Dimensions):82
- ボリューム数 (タグ:Dimensions):129
- ボクセルサイズ (タグ:Voxel size):1.76923 x 1.76923 x 1.8
ピングバック: 【FSL/MRtrix】4D画像から3D画像を抽出