Ubuntu mini.iso is useful when we want to build a system with minimal packages.
It is useful to make a bootable USB stick.
Below is how to make UEFI-based bootable USB stick with Ubuntu mini.iso.
Required package: 7-zip
You can get 7-zip with the following command;
sudo apt install p7zip-full
Now we will use “7z” command.
Two options are needed. “x” for extract and “-o” to specify output directory. If the directory doesn’t exist, 7z creates automatically.
- Extract iso image into a directory
- Extract efi.image under boot/grub
- Copy the contents under “usbdisk” to USB stick
Now I want to extract images into “usbdisk” directory.
7z x -ousbdisk mini.iso
This will make “usbdisk” directory and extract into the directory. Note that no space is allowed between “-o” and target directory. I tried space or quotation, without success.
One more thing. In order to make the USB stick bootable with UEFI, we need to extract efi.img under boot/grub. This can be easily done with the following command. (You don’t have to change directory.)
7z x -ousbdisk usbdisk/boot/grub/efi.img
This command will extract efi.img, which will be “efi” directory under which bootx64.efi and grubx64.efi exist into the usbdisk directory.
Finally we just copy the contents under usbdisk to a USB.
That’s it. Now try to boot from USB disk.