A Matlab script to generate ROI masks using an Atlas in SPM12

SPM12 introduces some useful functions such as spm_atlas or new atlas “labels_Neuromorphometrics.” We find the description about labels_Neuromorphometrics in SPM12 Release note.

Maximum probability tissue labels derived from the “MICCAI 2012 Grand Challenge and Workshop on Multi-Atlas Labeling” are available in files tpm/labels Neuromorphometrics.{nii,xml}. These
data were released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) with no end date. Users should credit the MRI scans as originating from the OASIS project and the labeled
data as “provided by Neuromorphometrics, Inc. under academic subscription”. These references should be included in all workshop and final publications. See spm templates.man for more details about the generation of this file.

I wanted to generate masks of some regions using this labels_Neuromorphometrics.

Below is the tiny script which generates masks from your preferred atlas.
Running script brings up a file selector. You can choose any atlas you want.
Then it brings up another dialog which lists the region within the atlas. You can choose as many regions as you want, and the scripts generates masks whose file name is the name of the regions.

%This script generate mask files from any atlases you prefer.
%K. Nemoto 25 April 2015


for i = 1:size(S,2)

Download generate_masks_from_atlas.m (right click and save as)

A Matlab script to set origin to the center of the image using SPM

Sometimes we need to handle images whose origin is far from the center of the image.
My friend, Fumio Yamashita, from Iwate Medical University wrote a script which set the origin to the center of the image.

Usage is very simple.


  1. setorigin_center.m (Right click and save as…) and save in SPM directory or any directories under MATLAB path.
  2. Type the following in Matlab command window.
  3. >>setorigin_center
  4. This will pop up the file selector, so choose the images you want to set the origin to the center.

That’s it.

Below is the example of the script.

Left is before applying the script. You can see that the origin is far from the center.
Right is after applying the script. Now origin is set to the center.




そこで、私の環境(Xubuntu 14.04)でOpenVPNを使ってうまくVPN接続に成功しましたので、備忘録を兼ねて書いておきます。


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先日、私のシステムをXubuntu 12.04からXubuntu 14.04にアップグレードしました。
私はLaTeXに関しては、本家のTeX Liveを使っています。インストーラーは十分に使いやすいのですが、怠け者なので、より簡単にできないかと方法を探してみました。


そのリンクをひとつずつ確認していたところ、ある方が、Ubuntu用の本家TeX Liveのインストールスクリプトを公開しているということを知りました。最新版にリンクされています。

