Lin4Neuro based on Xubuntu 14.04LTS was released

I managed to customize Xubuntu 14.04LTS to be Lin4Neuro-14.04.


For this customization I did the following;

  • .desktop files for neuroimaging analysis packages are stored in .local/share/applications
  • is stored in .local/share/desktop-directories.
  • Custom icons are stored in ~/.icons

If you look at these files, you will see how you can add your entries to menu.

I keep maintaining Xubuntu 12.04 because I am not certain Connectome mapper works in Xubuntu 14.04. If you want to use Connectome mapper, I recommend to use Lin4Neuro 12.04.

Update of Lin4Neuro (10 Aug 2014)

Lin4Neuro was updated. This time the change was limited to kernel update and security updates.

  • Kernel was updated to 3.13.0-32-generic.
  • All security updates were applied.

I’m working on Xubuntu 14.04, but it seems to have several problems with neuroimaging software packages. So for now I keep updating Lin4Neuro based on Xubuntu 12.04.

You can download the latest Lin4Neuro from here.

Update of Lin4Neuro (12 Jun 2014)

Lin4Neuro was updated. The changes of this version were as follows;

  • Kernel was updated to 3.13.0-29-generic.
  • ITK-SNAP was updated to 3.0.0.
  • MITK was updated to 2014.03.00.
  • MITK Diffusion was updated to 2014.03.
  • All security updates were applied.

Lin4Neuro is still based on Xubuntu 12.04. Now I’m working on Xubuntu 14.04, so hopefully the next version will be based on Xubuntu 14.04.

You can download the latest Lin4Neuro from here.

Update of Lin4Neuro (13 March 2014)

I updated Lin4Neuro.
This time quite a few changes were made.

  • Many unnecessary software packages and fonts were uninstalled.
  • Connectome mapper was introduced. However, due to filesize and their licenses, freesurfer and Diffusion toolkit are not installed. I wrote a step-by-step guide how to install freesurfer and Diffusion toolkit on Lin4Neuro (the PDF file is found on the desktop), so afer you install these two software packages, you are ready to run Connectome mapper.
  • Kernel was updated to 3.5.

You can download the latest Lin4Neuro from here.

Update of Lin4Neuro (28 Dec 2013)

Lin4Neuro was updated. Some changes are…

  • Kernel was updated to 3.5.0-44-generic.
  • FSL was updated to 5.0.6.
  • Ginkgo CADx was updated to 3.6.0.
  • MINC toolkit was updated to 1.0.01
  • MITK was updated to 2013.12.00.
  • Slicer was updated to 4.3.1.
  • LibreOffice was updated to

You can download the latest Lin4Neuro from here.

Now I’m focusing on the 64bit version of Lin4Neuro, so I suspend updating 32bit version. One of the task is to make the UEFI-compatible L4N. I hope it will be possible to boot from UEFI on the next update.

Update of Lin4Neuro (28 Feb 2013)

Lin4Neuro was updated. Some changes are…

  • 3D Slicer was updated to 4.2.2-1 (only in 64bit version).
  • MITK and MITK Diffusion was updated to 2012.12 version (only in 64bit version).
  • nfs-common was added so that it can support NFS filesystem with default settings.

I also stopped developing Lin4Neuro based on Ubuntu 10.04LTS. I focus on developing Lin4Neuro based on Xubuntu 12.04LTS.

You can download latest Lin4Neuro from here.

New Lin4Neuro based on Xubuntu 12.04

I am pleased to announce the new release of Lin4Neuro based on Xubuntu 12.04LTS.
Only 64-bit version is released this time, but I’m working on 32-bit version so hopefully I will be able to release the 32-bit version in the near future.

I chose Xubuntu 12.04 as a base of Lin4Neuro simply because I don’t like Unity. If you look at the screenshot of new Lin4Neuro, you can tell that I made UI as simple as I could.

At the same time, I keep working on Lin4Neuro based on Ubuntu 10.04LTS, because FSLView doesn’t work on Ubuntu 12.04… I know some of users like to use FSLView, so I keep working on it.

Other than FSLView, there are some differences between versions.

  • New Lin4Neuro (L4N12.04) includes DSI studio in response to a request by Renaud Nicolas.
  • L4N12.04 doesn’t includ N3 tools. I haven’t been able to install the software yet.

So Now you have three options. From now on I will name the each version as following (I do not change the file name of old versions);

You can download each version from

Hope Lin4Neuro will help you enjoy playing with your images.



Update of Lin4Neuro (18Sep2012)

I updated Lin4Neuro. The main changes of this version are the following.

  • FSL was updated to 5.0.0.
  • Slicer was updated to 4.1.1. (only in 64bit version)

Since FSLView doesn’t work well with Ubuntu 12.04, I stick to Ubuntu 10.04 for the time being.
However, I’m in the process of developing Lin4Neuro based on Ubuntu 12.04 (actually Xubuntu 12.04) now. Hopefully I will be able to release 12.04base version by the end of this year.

You can get the iso images from



  1. WindowsにVMware playerやVirtualboxなどの仮想化ソフトをインストールし、その中にLinuxをインストールする。
  2. これはなかなか便利です。私も普段、これで仕事をしています。Lin4Neuroの開発はVMware上で行なっています。何度も試行錯誤がきくからです。具体的な方法はこちらに記載しましたので、そちらを御覧ください。

  3. USBメモリにインストール
  4. これが今から示す方法です。これが便利なのは、自分のPCでなく、手元に転がっているPCで同じ環境を再現できるということです。もしくは、チュートリアルなどで人に何かを伝えたい場合に、自分で環境を準備しておいて、USBメモリを準備することで他の人が全く同一の環境を再現することができます。

  5. Macに乗り換える
  6. Mac OSXはBSDベースで、Bシェルが普通に走ります。これは結構便利で、最近、Macに乗り換えようかどうか真剣に考えています。でも、一つのことに傾倒しすぎるのはどうかなとも思っているので、MacBookProを持ってはいますが、まだメインマシンとはなっていません…。



VMware player上でのLin4Neuroの使い方



ということで、VMware player(無償で入手できます)上でのLin4Neuroの動かし方をPDFドキュメントにしてみました。必要な方はダウンロードしてください。
