1. 目的
2. データ準備
3. MIFフォーマットに変換
4. 渦電流および頭部の動き補正
5. 脳マスクの作成
6. 応答関数(Response function)の推定
7. 白質配向分布の推定
8. Tractographyの実行
9. Track Density Imaging (TDI)
1. 目的
2. コマンド
3. 使用例
3.1. 前準備
3.2. テンソルの推定(コマンド:dwi2tensor
3.3. 拡散定量値の算出(コマンド:tensor2metric
SYNOPSIS Diffusion (kurtosis) tensor estimation USAGE dwi2tensor [ options ] dwi dt dwi the input dwi image. dt the output dt image. DESCRIPTION By default, the diffusion tensor (and optionally its kurtosis) is fitted to the log-signal in two steps: firstly, using weighted least-squares (WLS) with weights based on the empirical signal intensities; secondly, by further iterated weighted least-squares (IWLS) with weights determined by the signal predictions from the previous iteration (by default, 2 iterations will be performed). This behaviour can be altered in two ways: * The -ols option will cause the first fitting step to be performed using ordinary least-squares (OLS); that is, all measurements contribute equally to the fit, instead of the default behaviour of weighting based on the empirical signal intensities. * The -iter option controls the number of iterations of the IWLS prodedure. If this is set to zero, then the output model parameters will be those resulting from the first fitting step only: either WLS by default, or OLS if the -ols option is used in conjunction with -iter 0. The tensor coefficients are stored in the output image as follows: volumes 0-5: D11, D22, D33, D12, D13, D23 If diffusion kurtosis is estimated using the -dkt option, these are stored as follows: volumes 0-2: W1111, W2222, W3333 volumes 3-8: W1112, W1113, W1222, W1333, W2223, W2333 volumes 9-11: W1122, W1133, W2233 volumes 12-14: W1123, W1223, W1233 OPTIONS -ols perform initial fit using an ordinary least-squares (OLS) fit (see Description). -mask image only perform computation within the specified binary brain mask image. -b0 image the output b0 image. -dkt image the output dkt image. -iter integer number of iterative reweightings for IWLS algorithm (default: 2) (see Description). -predicted_signal image the predicted dwi image. DW gradient table import options -grad file Provide the diffusion-weighted gradient scheme used in the acquisition in a text file. This should be supplied as a 4xN text file with each line is in the format [ X Y Z b ], where [ X Y Z ] describe the direction of the applied gradient, and b gives the b-value in units of s/mm^2. If a diffusion gradient scheme is present in the input image header, the data provided with this option will be instead used. -fslgrad bvecs bvals Provide the diffusion-weighted gradient scheme used in the acquisition in FSL bvecs/bvals format files. If a diffusion gradient scheme is present in the input image header, the data provided with this option will be instead used. Standard options -info display information messages. -quiet do not display information messages or progress status; alternatively, this can be achieved by setting the MRTRIX_QUIET environment variable to a non-empty string. -debug display debugging messages. -force force overwrite of output files (caution: using the same file as input and output might cause unexpected behaviour). -nthreads number use this number of threads in multi-threaded applications (set to 0 to disable multi-threading). -config key value (multiple uses permitted) temporarily set the value of an MRtrix config file entry. -help display this information page and exit. -version display version information and exit.
SYNOPSIS Generate maps of tensor-derived parameters USAGE tensor2metric [ options ] tensor tensor the input tensor image. OPTIONS -adc image compute the mean apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) of the diffusion tensor. (sometimes also referred to as the mean diffusivity (MD)) -fa image compute the fractional anisotropy (FA) of the diffusion tensor. -ad image compute the axial diffusivity (AD) of the diffusion tensor. (equivalent to the principal eigenvalue) -rd image compute the radial diffusivity (RD) of the diffusion tensor. (equivalent to the mean of the two non-principal eigenvalues) -cl image compute the linearity metric of the diffusion tensor. (one of the three Westin shape metrics) -cp image compute the planarity metric of the diffusion tensor. (one of the three Westin shape metrics) -cs image compute the sphericity metric of the diffusion tensor. (one of the three Westin shape metrics) -value image compute the selected eigenvalue(s) of the diffusion tensor. -vector image compute the selected eigenvector(s) of the diffusion tensor. -num sequence specify the desired eigenvalue/eigenvector(s). Note that several eigenvalues can be specified as a number sequence. For example, '1,3' specifies the principal (1) and minor (3) eigenvalues/eigenvectors (default = 1). -modulate choice specify how to modulate the magnitude of the eigenvectors. Valid choices are: none, FA, eigval (default = FA). -mask image only perform computation within the specified binary brain mask image. Standard options -info display information messages. -quiet do not display information messages or progress status; alternatively, this can be achieved by setting the MRTRIX_QUIET environment variable to a non-empty string. -debug display debugging messages. -force force overwrite of output files (caution: using the same file as input and output might cause unexpected behaviour). -nthreads number use this number of threads in multi-threaded applications (set to 0 to disable multi-threading). -config key value (multiple uses permitted) temporarily set the value of an MRtrix config file entry. -help display this information page and exit. -version display version information and exit.
DTI拡散定量値(FA, MD, AD, RD, カラーFA)を計算するための基本的な使い方は、以下の通り。
dwi2tensor <入力画像> <出力画像> tensor2metric -fa <出力画像> -adc <出力画像> -ad <出力画像> -rd <出力画像> -vec <出力画像> tensor.mif
. ├── DWI.nii.gz # 拡散MRI ├── DWI_mask.nii.gz ├── bvals # b-values ├── bvecs # b-vectors └── headers.json # ヘッダー情報の入ったJSONファイル
こちらの記事を参考に、拡散MRI(DWI.nii.gz)とそのMPG軸情報(bvecs, bvals)とヘッダー情報(headers.json)をまとめて、MIF形式(DWI.mif)に変換する。
mrconvert -fslgrad bvecs bvals -json_import headers.json DWI.nii.gz DWI.mif
dwi2tensor DWI.mif tensor.mif
を使って「tensor.mif」の情報を確認すると、6 volumesのデータであることが分かる。
mrinfo tensor.mif
Image name: "tensor.mif"
Dimensions: 130 x 130 x 82 x 6
Voxel size: 1.76923 x 1.76923 x 1.8 x 1
Data strides: [ -1 2 3 4 ]
Format: MRtrix
Data type: 32 bit float (little endian)
Intensity scaling: offset = 0, multiplier = 1
Transform: 1 0 0 -109
-0 1 0 -103.7
-0 0 1 -58.57
The tensor coefficients are stored in the output image as follows:
volumes 0-5: D11, D22, D33, D12, D13, D23
tensor2metric -fa FA.mif -adc MD.mif -ad AD.mif -rd RD.mif -vec color_FA.mif tensor.mif
1. 目的
2. コマンド
3. 使用例
3.1. 前準備
3.2. 歪み補正と頭の動き補正
SYNOPSIS Perform diffusion image pre-processing using FSL's eddy tool; including inhomogeneity distortion correction using FSL's topup tool if possible USAGE dwifslpreproc [ options ] input output input The input DWI series to be corrected output The output corrected image series DESCRIPTION This script is intended to provide convenience of use of the FSL software tools topup and eddy for performing DWI pre-processing, by encapsulating some of the surrounding image data and metadata processing steps. It is intended to simply these processing steps for most commonly-used DWI acquisition strategies, whilst also providing support for some more exotic acquisitions. The "example usage" section demonstrates the ways in which the script can be used based on the (compulsory) -rpe_* command-line options. The "-topup_options" and "-eddy_options" command-line options allow the user to pass desired command-line options directly to the FSL commands topup and eddy. The available options for those commands may vary between versions of FSL; users can interrogate such by querying the help pages of the installed software, and/or the FSL online documentation: (topup) https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/topup/TopupUsersGuide ; (eddy) https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/eddy/UsersGuide The script will attempt to run the CUDA version of eddy; if this does not succeed for any reason, or is not present on the system, the CPU version will be attempted instead. By default, the CUDA eddy binary found that indicates compilation against the most recent version of CUDA will be attempted; this can be over-ridden by providing a soft-link "eddy_cuda" within your path that links to the binary you wish to be executed. Note that this script does not perform any explicit registration between images provided to topup via the -se_epi option, and the DWI volumes provided to eddy. In some instances (motion between acquisitions) this can result in erroneous application of the inhomogeneity field during distortion correction. Use of the -align_seepi option is advocated in this scenario, which ensures that the first volume in the series provided to eddy is also the first volume in the series provided to eddy, guaranteeing alignment. But a prerequisite for this approach is that the image contrast within the images provided to the -se_epi option must match the b=0 volumes present within the input DWI series: this means equivalent TE, TR and flip angle (note that differences in multi-band factors between two acquisitions may lead to differences in TR). EXAMPLE USAGES A basic DWI acquisition, where all image volumes are acquired in a single protocol with fixed phase encoding: $ dwifslpreproc DWI_in.mif DWI_out.mif -rpe_none -pe_dir ap -readout_time 0.55 Due to use of a single fixed phase encoding, no EPI distortion correction can be applied in this case. DWIs all acquired with a single fixed phase encoding; but additionally a pair of b=0 images with reversed phase encoding to estimate the inhomogeneity field: $ mrcat b0_ap.mif b0_pa.mif b0_pair.mif -axis 3; dwifslpreproc DWI_in.mif DWI_out.mif -rpe_pair -se_epi b0_pair.mif -pe_dir ap -readout_time 0.72 -align_seepi Here the two individual b=0 volumes are concatenated into a single 4D image series, and this is provided to the script via the -se_epi option. Note that with the -rpe_pair option used here, which indicates that the SE-EPI image series contains one or more pairs of b=0 images with reversed phase encoding, the FIRST HALF of the volumes in the SE-EPI series must possess the same phase encoding as the input DWI series, while the second half are assumed to contain the opposite phase encoding direction but identical total readout time. Use of the -align_seepi option is advocated as long as its use is valid (more information in the Description section). All DWI directions & b-values are acquired twice, with the phase encoding direction of the second acquisition protocol being reversed with respect to the first: $ mrcat DWI_lr.mif DWI_rl.mif DWI_all.mif -axis 3; dwifslpreproc DWI_all.mif DWI_out.mif -rpe_all -pe_dir lr -readout_time 0.66 Here the two acquisition protocols are concatenated into a single DWI series containing all acquired volumes. The direction indicated via the -pe_dir option should be the direction of phase encoding used in acquisition of the FIRST HALF of volumes in the input DWI series; ie. the first of the two files that was provided to the mrcat command. In this usage scenario, the output DWI series will contain the same number of image volumes as ONE of the acquired DWI series (ie. half of the number in the concatenated series); this is because the script will identify pairs of volumes that possess the same diffusion sensitisation but reversed phase encoding, and perform explicit recombination of those volume pairs in such a way that image contrast in regions of inhomogeneity is determined from the stretched rather than the compressed image. Any acquisition scheme that does not fall into one of the example usages above: $ mrcat DWI_*.mif DWI_all.mif -axis 3; mrcat b0_*.mif b0_all.mif -axis 3; dwifslpreproc DWI_all.mif DWI_out.mif -rpe_header -se_epi b0_all.mif -align_seepi With this usage, the relevant phase encoding information is determined entirely based on the contents of the relevant image headers, and dwifslpreproc prepares all metadata for the executed FSL commands accordingly. This can therefore be used if the particular DWI acquisition strategy used does not correspond to one of the simple examples as described in the prior examples. This usage is predicated on the headers of the input files containing appropriately-named key-value fields such that MRtrix3 tools identify them as such. In some cases, conversion from DICOM using MRtrix3 commands will automatically extract and embed this information; however this is not true for all scanner vendors and/or software versions. In the latter case it may be possible to manually provide these metadata; either using the -json_import command-line option of dwifslpreproc, or the -json_import or one of the -import_pe_* command- line options of MRtrix3's mrconvert command (and saving in .mif format) prior to running dwifslpreproc. OPTIONS -pe_dir PE Manually specify the phase encoding direction of the input series; can be a signed axis number (e.g. -0, 1, +2), an axis designator (e.g. RL, PA, IS), or NIfTI axis codes (e.g. i-, j, k) -readout_time time Manually specify the total readout time of the input series (in seconds) -se_epi image Provide an additional image series consisting of spin-echo EPI images, which is to be used exclusively by topup for estimating the inhomogeneity field (i.e. it will not form part of the output image series) -align_seepi Achieve alignment between the SE-EPI images used for inhomogeneity field estimation, and the DWIs (more information in Description section) -json_import file Import image header information from an associated JSON file (may be necessary to determine phase encoding information) -topup_options " TopupOptions" Manually provide additional command-line options to the topup command (provide a string within quotation marks that contains at least one space, even if only passing a single command-line option to topup) -eddy_options " EddyOptions" Manually provide additional command-line options to the eddy command (provide a string within quotation marks that contains at least one space, even if only passing a single command-line option to eddy) -eddy_mask image Provide a processing mask to use for eddy, instead of having dwifslpreproc generate one internally using dwi2mask -eddy_slspec file Provide a file containing slice groupings for eddy's slice-to-volume registration -eddyqc_text directory Copy the various text-based statistical outputs generated by eddy, and the output of eddy_qc (if installed), into an output directory -eddyqc_all directory Copy ALL outputs generated by eddy (including images), and the output of eddy_qc (if installed), into an output directory Options for specifying the acquisition phase-encoding design; note that one of the -rpe_* options MUST be provided -rpe_none Specify that no reversed phase-encoding image data is being provided; eddy will perform eddy current and motion correction only -rpe_pair Specify that a set of images (typically b=0 volumes) will be provided for use in inhomogeneity field estimation only (using the -se_epi option) -rpe_all Specify that ALL DWIs have been acquired with opposing phase-encoding -rpe_header Specify that the phase-encoding information can be found in the image header(s), and that this is the information that the script should use Options for importing the diffusion gradient table -grad GRAD Provide the diffusion gradient table in MRtrix format -fslgrad bvecs bvals Provide the diffusion gradient table in FSL bvecs/bvals format Options for exporting the diffusion gradient table -export_grad_mrtrix grad Export the final gradient table in MRtrix format -export_grad_fsl bvecs bvals Export the final gradient table in FSL bvecs/bvals format Additional standard options for Python scripts -nocleanup do not delete intermediate files during script execution, and do not delete scratch directory at script completion. -scratch /path/to/scratch/ manually specify the path in which to generate the scratch directory. -continue <ScratchDir> <LastFile> continue the script from a previous execution; must provide the scratch directory path, and the name of the last successfully-generated file. Standard options -info display information messages. -quiet do not display information messages or progress status. Alternatively, this can be achieved by setting the MRTRIX_QUIET environment variable to a non- empty string. -debug display debugging messages. -force force overwrite of output files. -nthreads number use this number of threads in multi-threaded applications (set to 0 to disable multi-threading). -config key value (multiple uses permitted) temporarily set the value of an MRtrix config file entry. -help display this information page and exit. -version display version information and exit.
dwifslpreproc <入力画像> <出力画像> [オプション]
. ├── DWI_AP.nii.gz # DW images (PE: AP) ├── DWI_PA.nii.gz # DW images (PE: PA) ├── bvals_AP # b-values (PE: AP) ├── bvals_PA # b-values (PE: PA) ├── bvecs_AP # b-vectors (PE: AP) ├── bvecs_PA # b-vectors (PE: PA) ├── headers_AP.json # DICOM headers (PE: AP) └── headers_PA.json # DICOM headers (PE: PA)
まず、こちらの記事を参考に、拡散MRI(DWI.nii.gz)とそのMPG軸情報(bvecs, bvals)とヘッダー情報(headers.json)をまとめて、MIF形式(DWI.mif)に変換する。
mrconvert -fslgrad bvecs_AP bvals_AP -json_import headers_AP.json DWI_AP.nii.gz DWI_AP.mif # PE: AP mrconvert -fslgrad bvecs_PA bvals_PA -json_import headers_PA.json DWI_PA.nii.gz DWI_PA.mif # PE: PA
オプションの-axis 3
は、4次元目のt軸(Volume)方向にまとめるという意味である(MRtrixではAxisを0から数える [i.e., x: 0, y: 1, z: 2, t: 3])。mrcat
mrcat DWI_AP.mif DWI_PA.mif DWI_all.mif -axis 3
dwiextract -bzero DWI_all.mif DWI_b0.mif
:b=0(spin-echo EPI images)を指定-align_seepi
:磁場の不均一性場の推定で用いられる、SE-EPI画像とDWIの間の位置合わせを実行dwifslpreproc DWI_all.mif DWI_preproc.mif -rpe_header -se_epi DWI_b0.mif -align_seepi
1. 目的
2. コマンド
3. 使用例
3.1. FSLアルゴリズムを用いる場合
3.2. FreeSurferアルゴリズムを用いる場合
4. 結果
を用いて、次の5つの組織(five-tissue-type: 5TT)画像を生成する。
SYNOPSIS Generate a 5TT image suitable for ACT USAGE 5ttgen [ options ] algorithm ... algorithm Select the algorithm to be used to complete the script operation; additional details and options become available once an algorithm is nominated. Options are: freesurfer, fsl, gif, hsvs DESCRIPTION 5ttgen acts as a 'master' script for generating a five-tissue-type (5TT) segmented tissue image suitable for use in Anatomically-Constrained Tractography (ACT). A range of different algorithms are available for completing this task. When using this script, the name of the algorithm to be used must appear as the first argument on the command-line after '5ttgen'. The subsequent compulsory arguments and options available depend on the particular algorithm being invoked. Each algorithm available also has its own help page, including necessary references; e.g. to see the help page of the 'fsl' algorithm, type '5ttgen fsl'. Options common to all 5ttgen algorithms -nocrop Do NOT crop the resulting 5TT image to reduce its size (keep the same dimensions as the input image) -sgm_amyg_hipp Represent the amygdalae and hippocampi as sub-cortical grey matter in the 5TT image Additional standard options for Python scripts -nocleanup do not delete intermediate files during script execution, and do not delete scratch directory at script completion. -scratch /path/to/scratch/ manually specify the path in which to generate the scratch directory. -continue <ScratchDir> <LastFile> continue the script from a previous execution; must provide the scratch directory path, and the name of the last successfully-generated file. Standard options -info display information messages. -quiet do not display information messages or progress status. Alternatively, this can be achieved by setting the MRTRIX_QUIET environment variable to a non- empty string. -debug display debugging messages. -force force overwrite of output files. -nthreads number use this number of threads in multi-threaded applications (set to 0 to disable multi-threading). -config key value (multiple uses permitted) temporarily set the value of an MRtrix config file entry. -help display this information page and exit. -version display version information and exit.
のアルゴリズムは、freesurfer, fsl, gif, hsvsがあるが、ここではfreesurferとfslのアルゴリズムについて使い方を解説する。
5ttgen [アルゴリズム] <入力画像> <出力画像>
5ttgen fsl T1w.nii.gz 5tt.nii.gz
5ttgen freesurfer aparc+aseg.mgz 5tt.nii.gz
1. 目的
2. コマンド
3. 使用例
3.1. 前準備
3.2. 拡散MRIのバイアス(信号ムラ)補正
SYNOPSIS Perform B1 field inhomogeneity correction for a DWI volume series USAGE dwibiascorrect [ options ] algorithm ... algorithm Select the algorithm to be used to complete the script operation; additional details and options become available once an algorithm is nominated. Options are: ants, fsl Options for importing the diffusion gradient table -grad GRAD Provide the diffusion gradient table in MRtrix format -fslgrad bvecs bvals Provide the diffusion gradient table in FSL bvecs/bvals format Options common to all dwibiascorrect algorithms -mask image Manually provide a mask image for bias field estimation -bias image Output the estimated bias field Additional standard options for Python scripts -nocleanup do not delete intermediate files during script execution, and do not delete scratch directory at script completion. -scratch /path/to/scratch/ manually specify the path in which to generate the scratch directory. -continue <ScratchDir> <LastFile> continue the script from a previous execution; must provide the scratch directory path, and the name of the last successfully-generated file. Standard options -info display information messages. -quiet do not display information messages or progress status. Alternatively, this can be achieved by setting the MRTRIX_QUIET environment variable to a non- empty string. -debug display debugging messages. -force force overwrite of output files. -nthreads number use this number of threads in multi-threaded applications (set to 0 to disable multi-threading). -config key value (multiple uses permitted) temporarily set the value of an MRtrix config file entry. -help display this information page and exit. -version display version information and exit.
dwibiascorrect ants <入力画像> <出力画像>
まず、こちらの記事を参考に、拡散MRI(DWI.nii.gz)とそのMPG軸情報(bvecs, bvals)とヘッダー情報(headers.json)をまとめて、MIF形式(DWI.mif)に変換する。
mrconvert -fslgrad bvecs bvals -json_import headers.json DWI.nii.gz DWI.mif
dwibiascorrect ants DWI.mif DWI_unbiased.mif -bias bias.mif
は、Marchenko-Pastur PCAを用いたデノイズである。
SYNOPSIS dMRI noise level estimation and denoising using Marchenko-Pastur PCA USAGE dwidenoise [ options ] dwi out dwi the input diffusion-weighted image. out the output denoised DWI image. DESCRIPTION DWI data denoising and noise map estimation by exploiting data redundancy in the PCA domain using the prior knowledge that the eigenspectrum of random covariance matrices is described by the universal Marchenko-Pastur (MP) distribution. Fitting the MP distribution to the spectrum of patch-wise signal matrices hence provides an estimator of the noise level 'sigma', as was first shown in Veraart et al. (2016) and later improved in Cordero-Grande et al. (2019). This noise level estimate then determines the optimal cut-off for PCA denoising. Important note: image denoising must be performed as the first step of the image processing pipeline. The routine will fail if interpolation or smoothing has been applied to the data prior to denoising. Note that this function does not correct for non-Gaussian noise biases present in magnitude-reconstructed MRI images. If available, including the MRI phase data can reduce such non-Gaussian biases, and the command now supports complex input data. OPTIONS -mask image Only process voxels within the specified binary brain mask image. -extent window Set the patch size of the denoising filter. By default, the command will select the smallest isotropic patch size that exceeds the number of DW images in the input data, e.g., 5x5x5 for data with <= 125 DWI volumes, 7x7x7 for data with <= 343 DWI volumes, etc. -noise level The output noise map, i.e., the estimated noise level 'sigma' in the data. Note that on complex input data, this will be the total noise level across real and imaginary channels, so a scale factor sqrt(2) applies. -datatype float32/float64 Datatype for the eigenvalue decomposition (single or double precision). For complex input data, this will select complex float32 or complex float64 datatypes. -estimator Exp1/Exp2 Select the noise level estimator (default = Exp2), either: * Exp1: the original estimator used in Veraart et al. (2016), or * Exp2: the improved estimator introduced in Cordero-Grande et al. (2019). Standard options -info display information messages. -quiet do not display information messages or progress status; alternatively, this can be achieved by setting the MRTRIX_QUIET environment variable to a non-empty string. -debug display debugging messages. -force force overwrite of output files (caution: using the same file as input and output might cause unexpected behaviour). -nthreads number use this number of threads in multi-threaded applications (set to 0 to disable multi-threading). -config key value (multiple uses permitted) temporarily set the value of an MRtrix config file entry. -help display this information page and exit. -version display version information and exit.
dwidenoise <入力画像> <出力画像>
dwidenoise DWI.nii.gz DWI_denoised.nii.gz
1. 目的
2. コマンド
SYNOPSIS Extract diffusion-weighted volumes, b=0 volumes, or certain shells from a DWI dataset USAGE dwiextract [ options ] input output input the input DW image. output the output image (diffusion-weighted volumes by default). EXAMPLE USAGES Calculate the mean b=0 image from a 4D DWI series: $ dwiextract dwi.mif - -bzero | mrmath - mean mean_bzero.mif -axis 3 The dwiextract command extracts all volumes for which the b-value is (approximately) zero; the resulting 4D image can then be provided to the mrmath command to calculate the mean intensity across volumes for each voxel. OPTIONS -bzero Output b=0 volumes (instead of the diffusion weighted volumes, if -singleshell is not specified). -no_bzero Output only non b=0 volumes (default, if -singleshell is not specified). -singleshell Force a single-shell (single non b=0 shell) output. This will include b=0 volumes, if present. Use with -bzero to enforce presence of b=0 volumes (error if not present) or with -no_bzero to exclude them. DW gradient table import options -grad file Provide the diffusion-weighted gradient scheme used in the acquisition in a text file. This should be supplied as a 4xN text file with each line is in the format [ X Y Z b ], where [ X Y Z ] describe the direction of the applied gradient, and b gives the b-value in units of s/mm^2. If a diffusion gradient scheme is present in the input image header, the data provided with this option will be instead used. -fslgrad bvecs bvals Provide the diffusion-weighted gradient scheme used in the acquisition in FSL bvecs/bvals format files. If a diffusion gradient scheme is present in the input image header, the data provided with this option will be instead used. DW shell selection options -shells b-values specify one or more b-values to use during processing, as a comma-separated list of the desired approximate b-values (b-values are clustered to allow for small deviations). Note that some commands are incompatible with multiple b-values, and will report an error if more than one b-value is provided. WARNING: note that, even though the b=0 volumes are never referred to as shells in the literature, they still have to be explicitly included in the list of b-values as provided to the -shell option! Several algorithms which include the b=0 volumes in their computations may otherwise return an undesired result. DW gradient table export options -export_grad_mrtrix path export the diffusion-weighted gradient table to file in MRtrix format -export_grad_fsl bvecs_path bvals_path export the diffusion-weighted gradient table to files in FSL (bvecs / bvals) format Options for importing phase-encode tables -import_pe_table file import a phase-encoding table from file -import_pe_eddy config indices import phase-encoding information from an EDDY-style config / index file pair Options for selecting volumes based on phase-encoding -pe desc select volumes with a particular phase encoding; this can be three comma-separated values (for i,j,k components of vector direction) or four (direction & total readout time) Stride options -strides spec specify the strides of the output data in memory; either as a comma-separated list of (signed) integers, or as a template image from which the strides shall be extracted and used. The actual strides produced will depend on whether the output image format can support it. Standard options -info display information messages. -quiet do not display information messages or progress status; alternatively, this can be achieved by setting the MRTRIX_QUIET environment variable to a non-empty string. -debug display debugging messages. -force force overwrite of output files (caution: using the same file as input and output might cause unexpected behaviour). -nthreads number use this number of threads in multi-threaded applications (set to 0 to disable multi-threading). -config key value (multiple uses permitted) temporarily set the value of an MRtrix config file entry. -help display this information page and exit. -version display version information and exit.
dwiextract -bzero <入力画像> <出力画像> # b=0のみを抽出 dwiextract -no_bzero <入力画像> <出力画像> # b=0以外の拡散強調像を抽出 dwiextract -singleshell <入力画像> <出力画像> # b=0以外の拡散強調像を抽出
まず、こちらの記事を参考に、拡散MRI(DWI.nii.gz)とそのMPG軸情報(bvecs, bvals)とヘッダー情報(headers.json)をまとめて、MIF形式(DWI.mif)に変換する。
mrconvert -fslgrad bvecs bvals -json_import headers.json DWI.nii.gz DWI.mif
ここで使用する拡散MRI(DWI.mif)は、b=0が1枚、b=1000が64枚、b=2000が64枚で構成されている(全部で129 volumes)。
mrinfo DWI.mif |grep Dimensions
Dimensions: 130 x 130 x 82 x 129
dwiextract -bzero DWI.mif DWI_b0.mif
mrinfo DWI_b0.mif |grep Dimensions
Dimensions: 130 x 130 x 82 x 1
dwiextract -no_bzero DWI.mif DWI_nonb0.mif
mrinfo DWI_nonb0.mif |grep Dimensions
Dimensions: 130 x 130 x 82 x 128
dwiextract -shells 1000 DWI.mif DWI_b1000.mif
mrinfo DWI_b1000.mif |grep Dimensions
Dimensions: 130 x 130 x 82 x 64
1. 目的
2. コマンド
3. 使用例
3.1. 前準備
3.2. 拡散MRIのマスク画像の作成
SYNOPSIS Generates a whole brain mask from a DWI image USAGE dwi2mask [ options ] input output input the input DWI image containing volumes that are both diffusion weighted and b=0 output the output whole-brain mask image DESCRIPTION All diffusion weighted and b=0 volumes are used to obtain a mask that includes both brain tissue and CSF. In a second step peninsula-like extensions, where the peninsula itself is wider than the bridge connecting it to the mask, are removed. This may help removing artefacts and non-brain parts, e.g. eyes, from the mask. OPTIONS -clean_scale value the maximum scale used to cut bridges. A certain maximum scale cuts bridges up to a width (in voxels) of 2x the provided scale. Setting this to 0 disables the mask cleaning step. (Default: 2) DW gradient table import options -grad file Provide the diffusion-weighted gradient scheme used in the acquisition in a text file. This should be supplied as a 4xN text file with each line is in the format [ X Y Z b ], where [ X Y Z ] describe the direction of the applied gradient, and b gives the b-value in units of s/mm^2. If a diffusion gradient scheme is present in the input image header, the data provided with this option will be instead used. -fslgrad bvecs bvals Provide the diffusion-weighted gradient scheme used in the acquisition in FSL bvecs/bvals format files. If a diffusion gradient scheme is present in the input image header, the data provided with this option will be instead used.
dwi2mask <入力画像> <出力画像>
まず、こちらの記事を参考に、拡散MRI(DWI.nii.gz)とそのMPG軸情報(bvecs, bvals)とヘッダー情報(headers.json)をまとめて、MIF形式(DWI.mif)に変換する。
mrconvert -fslgrad bvecs bvals -json_import headers.json DWI.nii.gz DWI.mif
dwi2mask DWI.mif DWI_mask.mif
1. 目的
2. コマンド
3. 使用例
3.1. ボクセルサイズを指定(オプション:-voxel)
3.2. スケールを指定(オプション:-scale))
3.3. ボクセルサイズを指定(オプション:-voxel))
3.4. 目的の解像度を持つ画像を指定(オプション:-template))
SYNOPSIS Modify the grid of an image without interpolation (cropping or padding) or by regridding to an image grid with modified orientation, location and or resolution. The image content remains in place in real world coordinates. USAGE mrgrid [ options ] input operation output input input image to be regridded. operation the operation to be performed, one of: regrid, crop, pad. output the output image. DESCRIPTION - regrid: This operation performs changes of the voxel grid that require interpolation of the image such as changing the resolution or location and orientation of the voxel grid. If the image is down-sampled, the appropriate smoothing is automatically applied using Gaussian smoothing unless nearest neighbour interpolation is selected or oversample is changed explicitly. The resolution can only be changed for spatial dimensions. - crop: The image extent after cropping, can be specified either manually for each axis dimensions, or via a mask or reference image. The image can be cropped to the extent of a mask. This is useful for axially-acquired brain images, where the image size can be reduced by a factor of 2 by removing the empty space on either side of the brain. Note that cropping does not extend the image beyond the original FOV unless explicitly specified (via -crop_unbound or negative -axis extent). - pad: Analogously to cropping, padding increases the FOV of an image without image interpolation. Pad and crop can be performed simultaneously by specifying signed specifier argument values to the -axis option. This command encapsulates and extends the functionality of the superseded commands 'mrpad', 'mrcrop' and 'mrresize'. Note the difference in -axis convention used for 'mrcrop' and 'mrpad' (see -axis option description). EXAMPLE USAGES Crop and pad the first axis: $ mrgrid in.mif crop -axis 0 10,-5 out.mif This removes 10 voxels on the lower and pads with 5 on the upper bound, which is equivalent to padding with the negated specifier (mrgrid in.mif pad -axis 0 -10,5 out.mif). Right-pad the image to the number of voxels of a reference image: $ mrgrid in.mif pad -as ref.mif -all_axes -axis 3 0,0 out.mif -fill nan This pads the image on the upper bound of all axes except for the volume dimension. The headers of in.mif and ref.mif are ignored and the output image uses NAN values to fill in voxels outside the original range of in.mif. Regrid and interpolate to match the voxel grid of a reference image: $ mrgrid in.mif regrid -template ref.mif -scale 1,1,0.5 out.mif -fill nan The -template instructs to regrid in.mif to match the voxel grid of ref.mif (voxel size, grid orientation and voxel centres). The -scale option overwrites the voxel scaling factor yielding voxel sizes in the third dimension that are twice as coarse as those of the template image. Regridding options (involves image interpolation, applied to spatial axes only) -template image match the input image grid (voxel spacing, image size, header transformation) to that of a reference image. The image resolution relative to the template image can be changed with one of -size, -voxel, -scale. -size dims define the size (number of voxels) in each spatial dimension for the output image. This should be specified as a comma-separated list. -voxel size define the new voxel size for the output image. This can be specified either as a single value to be used for all spatial dimensions, or as a comma-separated list of the size for each voxel dimension. -scale factor scale the image resolution by the supplied factor. This can be specified either as a single value to be used for all dimensions, or as a comma-separated list of scale factors for each dimension. -interp method set the interpolation method to use when reslicing (choices: nearest, linear, cubic, sinc. Default: cubic). -oversample factor set the amount of over-sampling (in the target space) to perform when regridding. This is particularly relevant when downsamping a high-resolution image to a low-resolution image, to avoid aliasing artefacts. This can consist of a single integer, or a comma-separated list of 3 integers if different oversampling factors are desired along the different axes. Default is determined from ratio of voxel dimensions (disabled for nearest-neighbour interpolation). Pad and crop options (no image interpolation is performed, header transformation is adjusted) -as reference image pad or crop the input image on the upper bound to match the specified reference image grid. This operation ignores differences in image transformation between input and reference image. -uniform number pad or crop the input image by a uniform number of voxels on all sides -mask image crop the input image according to the spatial extent of a mask image. The mask must share a common voxel grid with the input image but differences in image transformations are ignored. Note that even though only 3 dimensions are cropped when using a mask, the bounds are computed by checking the extent for all dimensions. Note that by default a gap of 1 voxel is left at all edges of the image to allow valid trilinear interpolation. This gap can be modified with the -uniform option but by default it does not extend beyond the FOV unless -crop_unbound is used. -crop_unbound Allow padding beyond the original FOV when cropping. -axis index spec (multiple uses permitted) pad or crop the input image along the provided axis (defined by index). The specifier argument defines the number of voxels added or removed on the lower or upper end of the axis (-axis index delta_lower,delta_upper) or acts as a voxel selection range (-axis index start:stop). In both modes, values are relative to the input image (overriding all other extent-specifying options). Negative delta specifier values trigger the inverse operation (pad instead of crop and vice versa) and negative range specifier trigger padding. Note that the deprecated commands 'mrcrop' and 'mrpad' used range-based and delta-based -axis indices, respectively. -all_axes Crop or pad all, not just spatial axes. General options -fill number Use number as the out of bounds value. nan, inf and -inf are valid arguments. (Default: 0.0) Stride options -strides spec specify the strides of the output data in memory; either as a comma-separated list of (signed) integers, or as a template image from which the strides shall be extracted and used. The actual strides produced will depend on whether the output image format can support it. Data type options -datatype spec specify output image data type. Valid choices are: float32, float32le, float32be, float64, float64le, float64be, int64, uint64, int64le, uint64le, int64be, uint64be, int32, uint32, int32le, uint32le, int32be, uint32be, int16, uint16, int16le, uint16le, int16be, uint16be, cfloat32, cfloat32le, cfloat32be, cfloat64, cfloat64le, cfloat64be, int8, uint8, bit. Standard options -info display information messages. -quiet do not display information messages or progress status; alternatively, this can be achieved by setting the MRTRIX_QUIET environment variable to a non-empty string. -debug display debugging messages. -force force overwrite of output files (caution: using the same file as input and output might cause unexpected behaviour). -nthreads number use this number of threads in multi-threaded applications (set to 0 to disable multi-threading). -config key value (multiple uses permitted) temporarily set the value of an MRtrix config file entry. -help display this information page and exit. -version display version information and exit.
mrgrid <入力画像> regrid -voxel <値> <出力画像> # ボクセルサイズを指定 mrgrid <入力画像> regrid -scale <値> <出力画像> # スケールを指定 mrgrid <入力画像> regrid -template <目的の解像度を持つ画像> <出力画像> # 目的の解像度を持つ画像を指定
mrinfo T1w.nii.gz
Image name: "T1w.nii.gz"
Dimensions: 192 x 256 x 256
Voxel size: 0.9 x 0.9375 x 0.9375
Data strides: [ -1 2 3 ]
Format: NIfTI-1.1 (GZip compressed)
Data type: signed 16 bit integer (little endian)
Intensity scaling: offset = 0, multiplier = 1
Transform: 0.9998 0.01794 0.0003439 -82.89
-0.01788 0.9946 0.1023 -113.6
0.001492 -0.1023 0.9948 -114.6
comments: 6.0.3:b862cdd5
ボクセルサイズを1mm isotropicにする。
mrgrid T1w.nii.gz regrid -voxel 1 T1w_1mm_iso.nii.gz
解像度を確認してみる。ボクセルサイズが1 x 1 x 1(1mm iso)になっている
mrinfo T1w_1mm_iso.nii.gz
Image name: "T1w_1mm_iso.nii.gz"
Dimensions: 173 x 240 x 240
Voxel size: 1 x 1 x 1
Data strides: [ -1 2 3 ]
Format: NIfTI-1.1 (GZip compressed)
Data type: 32 bit float (little endian)
Intensity scaling: offset = 0, multiplier = 1
Transform: 0.9998 0.01794 0.0003439 -82.94
-0.01788 0.9946 0.1023 -113.6
0.001492 -0.1023 0.9948 -114.5
comments: 6.0.3:b862cdd5
mrtrix_version: 3.0.0-40-g3e1ed225
mrgrid T1w.nii.gz regrid -scale 2 T1w_scale2.nii.gz
解像度を確認してみる。解像度が173 x 240 x 240からになっている。
mrinfo T1w_scale2.nii.gz
Image name: "T1w_scale2.nii.gz"
Dimensions: 384 x 512 x 512
Voxel size: 0.45 x 0.46875 x 0.46875
Data strides: [ -1 2 3 ]
Format: NIfTI-1.1 (GZip compressed)
Data type: 32 bit float (little endian)
Intensity scaling: offset = 0, multiplier = 1
Transform: 0.9998 0.01794 0.0003439 -83.12
-0.01788 0.9946 0.1023 -113.9
0.001492 -0.1023 0.9948 -114.8
comments: 6.0.3:b862cdd5
mrtrix_version: 3.0.0-40-g3e1ed225
ボクセルサイズを1mm isotropicにする。
mrgrid T1w.nii.gz regrid -voxel 1 T1w_1mm_iso.nii.gz
解像度を確認してみる。ボクセルサイズが1 x 1 x 1(1mm iso)になっている。
mrinfo T1w_1mm_iso.nii.gz
Image name: "T1w_1mm_iso.nii.gz"
Dimensions: 173 x 240 x 240
Voxel size: 1 x 1 x 1
Data strides: [ -1 2 3 ]
Format: NIfTI-1.1 (GZip compressed)
Data type: 32 bit float (little endian)
Intensity scaling: offset = 0, multiplier = 1
Transform: 0.9998 0.01794 0.0003439 -82.94
-0.01788 0.9946 0.1023 -113.6
0.001492 -0.1023 0.9948 -114.5
comments: 6.0.3:b862cdd5
mrtrix_version: 3.0.0-40-g3e1ed225
mrinfo MNI152_T1_2mm.nii.gz
Image name: "MNI152_T1_2mm.nii.gz"
Dimensions: 91 x 109 x 91
Voxel size: 2 x 2 x 2
Data strides: [ -1 2 3 ]
Format: NIfTI-1.1 (GZip compressed)
Data type: signed 16 bit integer (little endian)
Intensity scaling: offset = 0, multiplier = 1
Transform: 1 0 0 -90
-0 1 0 -126
-0 0 1 -72
comments: FSL5.0
mrgrid T1w.nii.gz regrid -template MNI152_T1_2mm.nii.gz T1w_MNIreso.nii.gz
mrinfo T1w_MNIreso.nii.gz
Image name: "T1w_MNIreso.nii.gz"
Dimensions: 91 x 109 x 91
Voxel size: 2 x 2 x 2
Data strides: [ -1 2 3 ]
Format: NIfTI-1.1 (GZip compressed)
Data type: 32 bit float (little endian)
Intensity scaling: offset = 0, multiplier = 1
Transform: 1 0 0 -90
-0 1 0 -126
-0 0 1 -72
comments: 6.0.3:b862cdd5
mrtrix_version: 3.0.0-40-g3e1ed225
1. 目的
2. FSLを用いる場合
2.1. コマンド
2.2. 使用例
3. MRtrixを用いる場合
3.1. コマンド
3.2. 使用例
Usage: fslroi <input> <output> <xmin> <xsize> <ymin> <ysize> <zmin> <zsize> fslroi <input> <output> <tmin> <tsize> fslroi <input> <output> <xmin> <xsize> <ymin> <ysize> <zmin> <zsize> <tmin> <tsize> Note: indexing (in both time and space) starts with 0 not 1! Inputting -1 for a size will set it to the full image extent for that dimension.
fslroi <入力画像> <出力画像> <Volume Index> <Volume Indexから残したいVolume数>
Pathological tissue(Volume 4th)を取り除くには、次のようにコマンドを実行する。FSLではVolumeのIndexを0から数える。つまり、1番目のVolumeのIndexは0となる。以下のコードを翻訳すると、「Volume Index0番から数えて4 Volumesまでを残す」ということになる。
fslroi 5tt.nii.gz 4tt.nii.gz 0 4
コマンドを用いて、ボリューム数を確認すると、処理前で5 Volumesだったのが処理後に4 Volumesになっていることが分かる。使い方の詳細は、こちらの記事を参考に。
fslhd 5tt.nii.gz |grep ^dim4 fslhd 4tt.nii.gz |grep ^dim4
dim4 5 # 5tt.nii.gz
dim4 4 # 4tt.nii.gz
SYNOPSIS Perform conversion between different file types and optionally extract a subset of the input image USAGE mrconvert [ options ] input output input the input image. output the output image. DESCRIPTION If used correctly, this program can be a very useful workhorse. In addition to converting images between different formats, it can be used to extract specific studies from a data set, extract a specific region of interest, or flip the images. Some of the possible operations are described in more detail below. Note that for both the -coord and -axes options, indexing starts from 0 rather than 1. E.g. -coord 3 <#> selects volumes (the fourth dimension) from the series; -axes 0,1,2 includes only the three spatial axes in the output image. Additionally, for the second input to the -coord option and the -axes option, you can use any valid number sequence in the selection, as well as the 'end' keyword (see the main documentation for details); this can be particularly useful to select multiple coordinates. The -vox option is used to change the size of the voxels in the output image as reported in the image header; note however that this does not re-sample the image based on a new voxel size (that is done using the mrresize command). By default, the intensity scaling parameters in the input image header are passed through to the output image header when writing to an integer image, and reset to 0,1 (i.e. no scaling) for floating-point and binary images. Note that the -scaling option will therefore have no effect for floating-point or binary output images. The -axes option specifies which axes from the input image will be used to form the output image. This allows the permutation, omission, or addition of axes into the output image. The axes should be supplied as a comma-separated list of axis indices. If an axis from the input image is to be omitted from the output image, it must either already have a size of 1, or a single coordinate along that axis must be selected by the user by using the -coord option. Examples are provided further below. The -bvalue_scaling option controls an aspect of the import of diffusion gradient tables. When the input diffusion-weighting direction vectors have norms that differ substantially from unity, the b-values will be scaled by the square of their corresponding vector norm (this is how multi-shell acquisitions are frequently achieved on scanner platforms). However in some rare instances, the b-values may be correct, despite the vectors not being of unit norm (or conversely, the b-values may need to be rescaled even though the vectors are close to unit norm). This option allows the user to control this operation and override MRrtix3's automatic detection. EXAMPLE USAGES Extract the first volume from a 4D image, and make the output a 3D image: $ mrconvert in.mif -coord 3 0 -axes 0,1,2 out.mif The -coord 3 0 option extracts, from axis number 3 (which is the fourth axis since counting begins from 0; this is the axis that steps across image volumes), only coordinate number 0 (i.e. the first volume). The -axes 0,1,2 ensures that only the first three axes (i.e. the spatial axes) are retained; if this option were not used in this example, then image out.mif would be a 4D image, but it would only consist of a single volume, and mrinfo would report its size along the fourth axis as 1. Extract slice number 24 along the AP direction: $ mrconvert volume.mif slice.mif -coord 1 24 MRtrix3 uses a RAS (Right-Anterior-Superior) axis convention, and internally reorients images upon loading in order to conform to this as far as possible. So for non-exotic data, axis 1 should correspond (approximately) to the anterior-posterior direction. Extract only every other volume from a 4D image: $ mrconvert all.mif every_other.mif -coord 3 1:2:end This example demonstrates two features: Use of the colon syntax to conveniently specify a number sequence (in the format 'start:step:stop'); and use of the 'end' keyword to generate this sequence up to the size of the input image along that axis (i.e. the number of volumes). Alter the image header to report a new isotropic voxel size: $ mrconvert in.mif isotropic.mif -vox 1.25 By providing a single value to the -vox option only, the specified value is used to set the voxel size in mm for all three spatial axes in the output image. Alter the image header to report a new anisotropic voxel size: $ mrconvert in.mif anisotropic.mif -vox 1,,3.5 This example will change the reported voxel size along the first and third axes (ideally left-right and inferior-superior) to 1.0mm and 3.5mm respectively, and leave the voxel size along the second axis (ideally anterior-posterior) unchanged. Turn a single-volume 4D image into a 3D image: $ mrconvert 4D.mif 3D.mif -axes 0,1,2 Sometimes in the process of extracting or calculating a single 3D volume from a 4D image series, the size of the image reported by mrinfo will be "X x Y x Z x 1", indicating that the resulting image is in fact also 4D, it just happens to contain only one volume. This example demonstrates how to convert this into a genuine 3D image (i.e. mrinfo will report the size as "X x Y x Z". Insert an axis of size 1 into the image: $ mrconvert XYZD.mif XYZ1D.mif -axes 0,1,2,-1,3 This example uses the value -1 as a flag to indicate to mrconvert where a new axis of unity size is to be inserted. In this particular example, the input image has four axes: the spatial axes X, Y and Z, and some form of data D is stored across the fourth axis (i.e. volumes). Due to insertion of a new axis, the output image is 5D: the three spatial axes (XYZ), a single volume (the size of the output image along the fourth axis will be 1), and data D will be stored as volume groups along the fifth axis of the image. Manually reset the data scaling parameters stored within the image header to defaults: $ mrconvert with_scaling.mif without_scaling.mif -scaling 0.0,1.0 This command-line option alters the parameters stored within the image header that provide a linear mapping from raw intensity values stored in the image data to some other scale. Where the raw data stored in a particular voxel is I, the value within that voxel is interpreted as: value = offset + (scale x I). To adjust this scaling, the relevant parameters must be provided as a comma-separated 2-vector of floating-point values, in the format "offset,scale" (no quotation marks). This particular example sets the offset to zero and the scale to one, which equates to no rescaling of the raw intensity data. Options for manipulating fundamental image properties -coord axis selection (multiple uses permitted) retain data from the input image only at the coordinates specified in the selection along the specified axis. The selection argument expects a number sequence, which can also include the 'end' keyword. -vox sizes change the voxel dimensions reported in the output image header -axes axes specify the axes from the input image that will be used to form the output image -scaling values specify the data scaling parameters used to rescale the intensity values Options for handling JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) files -json_import file import data from a JSON file into header key-value pairs -json_export file export data from an image header key-value pairs into a JSON file Options to modify generic header entries -clear_property key (multiple uses permitted) remove the specified key from the image header altogether. -set_property key value (multiple uses permitted) set the value of the specified key in the image header. -append_property key value (multiple uses permitted) append the given value to the specified key in the image header (this adds the value specified as a new line in the header value). -copy_properties source clear all generic properties and replace with the properties from the image / file specified. Stride options -strides spec specify the strides of the output data in memory; either as a comma-separated list of (signed) integers, or as a template image from which the strides shall be extracted and used. The actual strides produced will depend on whether the output image format can support it. Data type options -datatype spec specify output image data type. Valid choices are: float32, float32le, float32be, float64, float64le, float64be, int64, uint64, int64le, uint64le, int64be, uint64be, int32, uint32, int32le, uint32le, int32be, uint32be, int16, uint16, int16le, uint16le, int16be, uint16be, cfloat32, cfloat32le, cfloat32be, cfloat64, cfloat64le, cfloat64be, int8, uint8, bit. DW gradient table import options -grad file Provide the diffusion-weighted gradient scheme used in the acquisition in a text file. This should be supplied as a 4xN text file with each line is in the format [ X Y Z b ], where [ X Y Z ] describe the direction of the applied gradient, and b gives the b-value in units of s/mm^2. If a diffusion gradient scheme is present in the input image header, the data provided with this option will be instead used. -fslgrad bvecs bvals Provide the diffusion-weighted gradient scheme used in the acquisition in FSL bvecs/bvals format files. If a diffusion gradient scheme is present in the input image header, the data provided with this option will be instead used. -bvalue_scaling mode enable or disable scaling of diffusion b-values by the square of the corresponding DW gradient norm (see Desciption). Valid choices are yes/no, true/false, 0/1 (default: automatic). DW gradient table export options -export_grad_mrtrix path export the diffusion-weighted gradient table to file in MRtrix format -export_grad_fsl bvecs_path bvals_path export the diffusion-weighted gradient table to files in FSL (bvecs / bvals) format Options for importing phase-encode tables -import_pe_table file import a phase-encoding table from file -import_pe_eddy config indices import phase-encoding information from an EDDY-style config / index file pair Options for exporting phase-encode tables -export_pe_table file export phase-encoding table to file -export_pe_eddy config indices export phase-encoding information to an EDDY-style config / index file pair Standard options -info display information messages. -quiet do not display information messages or progress status; alternatively, this can be achieved by setting the MRTRIX_QUIET environment variable to a non-empty string. -debug display debugging messages. -force force overwrite of output files (caution: using the same file as input and output might cause unexpected behaviour). -nthreads number use this number of threads in multi-threaded applications (set to 0 to disable multi-threading). -config key value (multiple uses permitted) temporarily set the value of an MRtrix config file entry. -help display this information page and exit. -version display version information and exit.
mrconvert <入力画像> <出力画像> -coord <軸番号> <残したいボリューム数>
Pathological tissue(Volume 4th)を取り除くには、次のようにコマンドを実行する。MRtrixでもFSLと同様に、VolumeのIndexを0から数える。つまり、1番目のVolumeのIndexは0となる。また軸番号は、x, y, z, tの順番に0, 1, 2, 3であり、Volume数を操作するには、t軸(-coord 3
)を操作することになる。以下のコードを翻訳すると、「Volume Index0番からVolume Index3番までを残す」ということになる。
mrconvert 5tt.nii.gz 4tt.nii.gz -coord 3 0:3
コマンドを用いて、ボリューム数を確認すると、処理前で5 Volumesだったのが処理後に4 Volumesになっていることが分かる。使い方の詳細は、こちらの記事を参考に。
mrinfo 5tt.nii.gz 4tt.nii.gz
Image name: "5tt.nii.gz"
Dimensions: 168 x 185 x 169 x 5
Voxel size: 0.9 x 0.9375 x 0.9375 x ?
Data strides: [ 1 2 3 4 ]
Format: NIfTI-1.1 (GZip compressed)
Data type: 32 bit float (little endian)
Intensity scaling: offset = 0, multiplier = 1
Transform: 0.9998 0.01794 0.0003439 -70.81
-0.01788 0.9946 0.1023 -88.1
0.001492 -0.1023 0.9948 -56.89
comments: 6.0.3:b862cdd5
mrtrix_version: 3.0.0-40-g3e1ed225
Image name: "4tt.nii.gz"
Dimensions: 168 x 185 x 169 x 4
Voxel size: 0.9 x 0.9375 x 0.9375 x ?
Data strides: [ 1 2 3 4 ]
Format: NIfTI-1.1 (GZip compressed)
Data type: 32 bit float (little endian)
Intensity scaling: offset = 0, multiplier = 1
Transform: 0.9998 0.01794 0.0003439 -70.81
-0.01788 0.9946 0.1023 -88.1
0.001492 -0.1023 0.9948 -56.89
comments: 6.0.3:b862cdd5
mrtrix_version: 3.0.0-40-g3e1ed225
Usage: fslmaths [-dt <datatype>] <first_input> [operations and inputs] <output> [-odt <datatype>] Datatype information: -dt sets the datatype used internally for calculations (default float for all except double images) -odt sets the output datatype ( default is float ) Possible datatypes are: char short int float double input "input" will set the datatype to that of the original image Binary operations: (some inputs can be either an image or a number) -add : add following input to current image -sub : subtract following input from current image -mul : multiply current image by following input -div : divide current image by following input -rem : modulus remainder - divide current image by following input and take remainder -mas : use (following image>0) to mask current image -thr : use following number to threshold current image (zero anything below the number) -thrp : use following percentage (0-100) of ROBUST RANGE to threshold current image (zero anything below the number) -thrP : use following percentage (0-100) of ROBUST RANGE of non-zero voxels and threshold below -uthr : use following number to upper-threshold current image (zero anything above the number) -uthrp : use following percentage (0-100) of ROBUST RANGE to upper-threshold current image (zero anything above the number) -uthrP : use following percentage (0-100) of ROBUST RANGE of non-zero voxels and threshold above -max : take maximum of following input and current image -min : take minimum of following input and current image -seed : seed random number generator with following number -restart : replace the current image with input for future processing operations -save : save the current working image to the input filename Basic unary operations: -exp : exponential -log : natural logarithm -sin : sine function -cos : cosine function -tan : tangent function -asin : arc sine function -acos : arc cosine function -atan : arc tangent function -sqr : square -sqrt : square root -recip : reciprocal (1/current image) -abs : absolute value -bin : use (current image>0) to binarise -binv : binarise and invert (binarisation and logical inversion) -fillh : fill holes in a binary mask (holes are internal - i.e. do not touch the edge of the FOV) -fillh26 : fill holes using 26 connectivity -index : replace each nonzero voxel with a unique (subject to wrapping) index number -grid <value> <spacing> : add a 3D grid of intensity <value> with grid spacing <spacing> -edge : edge strength -tfce <H> <E> <connectivity>: enhance with TFCE, e.g. -tfce 2 0.5 6 (maybe change 6 to 26 for skeletons) -tfceS <H> <E> <connectivity> <X> <Y> <Z> <tfce_thresh>: show support area for voxel (X,Y,Z) -nan : replace NaNs (improper numbers) with 0 -nanm : make NaN (improper number) mask with 1 for NaN voxels, 0 otherwise -rand : add uniform noise (range 0:1) -randn : add Gaussian noise (mean=0 sigma=1) -inm <mean> : (-i i ip.c) intensity normalisation (per 3D volume mean) -ing <mean> : (-I i ip.c) intensity normalisation, global 4D mean) -range : set the output calmin/max to full data range Matrix operations: -tensor_decomp : convert a 4D (6-timepoint )tensor image into L1,2,3,FA,MD,MO,V1,2,3 (remaining image in pipeline is FA) Kernel operations (set BEFORE filtering operation if desired): -kernel 3D : 3x3x3 box centered on target voxel (set as default kernel) -kernel 2D : 3x3x1 box centered on target voxel -kernel box <size> : all voxels in a cube of width <size> mm centered on target voxel -kernel boxv <size> : all voxels in a cube of width <size> voxels centered on target voxel, CAUTION: size should be an odd number -kernel boxv3 <X> <Y> <Z>: all voxels in a cuboid of dimensions X x Y x Z centered on target voxel, CAUTION: size should be an odd number -kernel gauss <sigma> : gaussian kernel (sigma in mm, not voxels) -kernel sphere <size> : all voxels in a sphere of radius <size> mm centered on target voxel -kernel file <filename> : use external file as kernel Spatial Filtering operations: N.B. all options apart from -s use the default kernel or that _previously_ specified by -kernel -dilM : Mean Dilation of non-zero voxels -dilD : Modal Dilation of non-zero voxels -dilF : Maximum filtering of all voxels -dilall : Apply -dilM repeatedly until the entire FOV is covered -ero : Erode by zeroing non-zero voxels when zero voxels found in kernel -eroF : Minimum filtering of all voxels -fmedian : Median Filtering -fmean : Mean filtering, kernel weighted (conventionally used with gauss kernel) -fmeanu : Mean filtering, kernel weighted, un-normalised (gives edge effects) -s <sigma> : create a gauss kernel of sigma mm and perform mean filtering -subsamp2 : downsamples image by a factor of 2 (keeping new voxels centred on old) -subsamp2offc : downsamples image by a factor of 2 (non-centred) Dimensionality reduction operations: (the "T" can be replaced by X, Y or Z to collapse across a different dimension) -Tmean : mean across time -Tstd : standard deviation across time -Tmax : max across time -Tmaxn : time index of max across time -Tmin : min across time -Tmedian : median across time -Tperc <percentage> : nth percentile (0-100) of FULL RANGE across time -Tar1 : temporal AR(1) coefficient (use -odt float and probably demean first) Basic statistical operations: -pval : Nonparametric uncorrected P-value, assuming timepoints are the permutations; first timepoint is actual (unpermuted) stats image -pval0 : Same as -pval, but treat zeros as missing data -cpval : Same as -pval, but gives FWE corrected P-values -ztop : Convert Z-stat to (uncorrected) P -ptoz : Convert (uncorrected) P to Z -rank : Convert data to ranks (over T dim) -ranknorm: Transform to Normal dist via ranks Multi-argument operations: -roi <xmin> <xsize> <ymin> <ysize> <zmin> <zsize> <tmin> <tsize> : zero outside roi (using voxel coordinates). Inputting -1 for a size will set it to the full image extent for that dimension. -bptf <hp_sigma> <lp_sigma> : (-t in ip.c) Bandpass temporal filtering; nonlinear highpass and Gaussian linear lowpass (with sigmas in volumes, not seconds); set either sigma<0 to skip that filter -roc <AROC-thresh> <outfile> [4Dnoiseonly] <truth> : take (normally binary) truth and test current image in ROC analysis against truth. <AROC-thresh> is usually 0.05 and is limit of Area-under-ROC measure FP axis. <outfile> is a text file of the ROC curve (triplets of values: FP TP threshold). If the truth image contains negative voxels these get excluded from all calculations. If <AROC-thresh> is positive then the [4Dnoiseonly] option needs to be set, and the FP rate is determined from this noise-only data, and is set to be the fraction of timepoints where any FP (anywhere) is seen, as found in the noise-only 4d-dataset. This is then controlling the FWE rate. If <AROC-thresh> is negative the FP rate is calculated from the zero-value parts of the <truth> image, this time averaging voxelwise FP rate over all timepoints. In both cases the TP rate is the average fraction of truth=positive voxels correctly found. Combining 4D and 3D images: If you apply a Binary operation (one that takes the current image and a new image together), when one is 3D and the other is 4D, the 3D image is cloned temporally to match the temporal dimensions of the 4D image. e.g. fslmaths inputVolume -add inputVolume2 output_volume fslmaths inputVolume -add 2.5 output_volume fslmaths inputVolume -add 2.5 -mul inputVolume2 output_volume fslmaths 4D_inputVolume -Tmean -mul -1 -add 4D_inputVolume demeaned_4D_inputVolume
fslmaths <入力画像> -mas <マスク画像> <出力画像>
fslmaths FA.nii.gz -mas mask.nii.gz FA_masked.nii.gz
SYNOPSIS Apply generic voxel-wise mathematical operations to images USAGE mrcalc [ options ] operand [ operand ... ] operand an input image, intensity value, or the special keywords 'rand' (random number between 0 and 1) or 'randn' (random number from unit std.dev. normal distribution) or the mathematical constants 'e' and 'pi'. DESCRIPTION This command will only compute per-voxel operations. Use 'mrmath' to compute summary statistics across images or along image axes. This command uses a stack-based syntax, with operators (specified using options) operating on the top-most entries (i.e. images or values) in the stack. Operands (values or images) are pushed onto the stack in the order they appear (as arguments) on the command-line, and operators (specified as options) operate on and consume the top-most entries in the stack, and push their output as a new entry on the stack. As an additional feature, this command will allow images with different dimensions to be processed, provided they satisfy the following conditions: for each axis, the dimensions match if they are the same size, or one of them has size one. In the latter case, the entire image will be replicated along that axis. This allows for example a 4D image of size [ X Y Z N ] to be added to a 3D image of size [ X Y Z ], as if it consisted of N copies of the 3D image along the 4th axis (the missing dimension is assumed to have size 1). Another example would a single-voxel 4D image of size [ 1 1 1 N ], multiplied by a 3D image of size [ X Y Z ], which would allow the creation of a 4D image where each volume consists of the 3D image scaled by the corresponding value for that volume in the single-voxel image. EXAMPLE USAGES Double the value stored in every voxel: $ mrcalc a.mif 2 -mult r.mif This performs the operation: r = 2*a for every voxel a,r in images a.mif and r.mif respectively. A more complex example: $ mrcalc a.mif -neg b.mif -div -exp 9.3 -mult r.mif This performs the operation: r = 9.3*exp(-a/b) Another complex example: $ mrcalc a.mif b.mif -add c.mif d.mif -mult 4.2 -add -div r.mif This performs: r = (a+b)/(c*d+4.2). Rescale the densities in a SH l=0 image: $ mrcalc ODF_CSF.mif 4 pi -mult -sqrt -div ODF_CSF_scaled.mif This applies the spherical harmonic basis scaling factor: 1.0/sqrt(4*pi), such that a single-tissue voxel containing the same intensities as the response function of that tissue should contain the value 1.0. basic operations -abs (multiple uses permitted) |%1| : return absolute value (magnitude) of real or complex number -neg (multiple uses permitted) -%1 : negative value -add (multiple uses permitted) (%1 + %2) : add values -subtract (multiple uses permitted) (%1 - %2) : subtract nth operand from (n-1)th -multiply (multiple uses permitted) (%1 * %2) : multiply values -divide (multiple uses permitted) (%1 / %2) : divide (n-1)th operand by nth -min (multiple uses permitted) min (%1, %2) : smallest of last two operands -max (multiple uses permitted) max (%1, %2) : greatest of last two operands comparison operators -lt (multiple uses permitted) (%1 < %2) : less-than operator (true=1, false=0) -gt (multiple uses permitted) (%1 > %2) : greater-than operator (true=1, false=0) -le (multiple uses permitted) (%1 <= %2) : less-than-or-equal-to operator (true=1, false=0) -ge (multiple uses permitted) (%1 >= %2) : greater-than-or-equal-to operator (true=1, false=0) -eq (multiple uses permitted) (%1 == %2) : equal-to operator (true=1, false=0) -neq (multiple uses permitted) (%1 != %2) : not-equal-to operator (true=1, false=0) conditional operators -if (multiple uses permitted) (%1 ? %2 : %3) : if first operand is true (non-zero), return second operand, otherwise return third operand -replace (multiple uses permitted) (%1, %2 -> %3) : Wherever first operand is equal to the second operand, replace with third operand power functions -sqrt (multiple uses permitted) sqrt (%1) : square root -pow (multiple uses permitted) %1^%2 : raise (n-1)th operand to nth power nearest integer operations -round (multiple uses permitted) round (%1) : round to nearest integer -ceil (multiple uses permitted) ceil (%1) : round up to nearest integer -floor (multiple uses permitted) floor (%1) : round down to nearest integer logical operators -not (multiple uses permitted) !%1 : NOT operator: true (1) if operand is false (i.e. zero) -and (multiple uses permitted) (%1 && %2) : AND operator: true (1) if both operands are true (i.e. non-zero) -or (multiple uses permitted) (%1 || %2) : OR operator: true (1) if either operand is true (i.e. non-zero) -xor (multiple uses permitted) (%1 ^^ %2) : XOR operator: true (1) if only one of the operands is true (i.e. non-zero) classification functions -isnan (multiple uses permitted) isnan (%1) : true (1) if operand is not-a-number (NaN) -isinf (multiple uses permitted) isinf (%1) : true (1) if operand is infinite (Inf) -finite (multiple uses permitted) finite (%1) : true (1) if operand is finite (i.e. not NaN or Inf) complex numbers -complex (multiple uses permitted) (%1 + %2 i) : create complex number using the last two operands as real,imaginary components -polar (multiple uses permitted) (%1 /_ %2) : create complex number using the last two operands as magnitude,phase components (phase in radians) -real (multiple uses permitted) real (%1) : real part of complex number -imag (multiple uses permitted) imag (%1) : imaginary part of complex number -phase (multiple uses permitted) phase (%1) : phase of complex number (use -abs for magnitude) -conj (multiple uses permitted) conj (%1) : complex conjugate -proj (multiple uses permitted) proj (%1) : projection onto the Riemann sphere exponential functions -exp (multiple uses permitted) exp (%1) : exponential function -log (multiple uses permitted) log (%1) : natural logarithm -log10 (multiple uses permitted) log10 (%1) : common logarithm trigonometric functions -cos (multiple uses permitted) cos (%1) : cosine -sin (multiple uses permitted) sin (%1) : sine -tan (multiple uses permitted) tan (%1) : tangent -acos (multiple uses permitted) acos (%1) : inverse cosine -asin (multiple uses permitted) asin (%1) : inverse sine -atan (multiple uses permitted) atan (%1) : inverse tangent hyperbolic functions -cosh (multiple uses permitted) cosh (%1) : hyperbolic cosine -sinh (multiple uses permitted) sinh (%1) : hyperbolic sine -tanh (multiple uses permitted) tanh (%1) : hyperbolic tangent -acosh (multiple uses permitted) acosh (%1) : inverse hyperbolic cosine -asinh (multiple uses permitted) asinh (%1) : inverse hyperbolic sine -atanh (multiple uses permitted) atanh (%1) : inverse hyperbolic tangent Data type options -datatype spec specify output image data type. Valid choices are: float32, float32le, float32be, float64, float64le, float64be, int64, uint64, int64le, uint64le, int64be, uint64be, int32, uint32, int32le, uint32le, int32be, uint32be, int16, uint16, int16le, uint16le, int16be, uint16be, cfloat32, cfloat32le, cfloat32be, cfloat64, cfloat64le, cfloat64be, int8, uint8, bit. Standard options -info display information messages. -quiet do not display information messages or progress status; alternatively, this can be achieved by setting the MRTRIX_QUIET environment variable to a non-empty string. -debug display debugging messages. -force force overwrite of output files (caution: using the same file as input and output might cause unexpected behaviour). -nthreads number use this number of threads in multi-threaded applications (set to 0 to disable multi-threading). -config key value (multiple uses permitted) temporarily set the value of an MRtrix config file entry. -help display this information page and exit. -version display version information and exit.
mrcalc <入力画像> <バイナリーマスク画像> -mult <出力画像>
mrcalc FA.nii.gz mask.nii.gz -mult FA_masked.nii.gz
1. 目的
2. FSLを用いる場合
2.1. コマンド
2.2. ノイズ除去(デノイズ)
2.3. 複数のラベルから1部のラベルを抽出
3. MRtrixを用いる場合
3.1. コマンド
3.2. ノイズ除去(デノイズ)
3.3. 複数のラベルから1部のラベルを抽出
Usage: fslmaths [-dt <datatype>] <first_input> [operations and inputs] <output> [-odt <datatype>] Datatype information: -dt sets the datatype used internally for calculations (default float for all except double images) -odt sets the output datatype ( default is float ) Possible datatypes are: char short int float double input "input" will set the datatype to that of the original image Binary operations: (some inputs can be either an image or a number) -add : add following input to current image -sub : subtract following input from current image -mul : multiply current image by following input -div : divide current image by following input -rem : modulus remainder - divide current image by following input and take remainder -mas : use (following image>0) to mask current image -thr : use following number to threshold current image (zero anything below the number) -thrp : use following percentage (0-100) of ROBUST RANGE to threshold current image (zero anything below the number) -thrP : use following percentage (0-100) of ROBUST RANGE of non-zero voxels and threshold below -uthr : use following number to upper-threshold current image (zero anything above the number) -uthrp : use following percentage (0-100) of ROBUST RANGE to upper-threshold current image (zero anything above the number) -uthrP : use following percentage (0-100) of ROBUST RANGE of non-zero voxels and threshold above -max : take maximum of following input and current image -min : take minimum of following input and current image -seed : seed random number generator with following number -restart : replace the current image with input for future processing operations -save : save the current working image to the input filename Basic unary operations: -exp : exponential -log : natural logarithm -sin : sine function -cos : cosine function -tan : tangent function -asin : arc sine function -acos : arc cosine function -atan : arc tangent function -sqr : square -sqrt : square root -recip : reciprocal (1/current image) -abs : absolute value -bin : use (current image>0) to binarise -binv : binarise and invert (binarisation and logical inversion) -fillh : fill holes in a binary mask (holes are internal - i.e. do not touch the edge of the FOV) -fillh26 : fill holes using 26 connectivity -index : replace each nonzero voxel with a unique (subject to wrapping) index number -grid <value> <spacing> : add a 3D grid of intensity <value> with grid spacing <spacing> -edge : edge strength -tfce <H> <E> <connectivity>: enhance with TFCE, e.g. -tfce 2 0.5 6 (maybe change 6 to 26 for skeletons) -tfceS <H> <E> <connectivity> <X> <Y> <Z> <tfce_thresh>: show support area for voxel (X,Y,Z) -nan : replace NaNs (improper numbers) with 0 -nanm : make NaN (improper number) mask with 1 for NaN voxels, 0 otherwise -rand : add uniform noise (range 0:1) -randn : add Gaussian noise (mean=0 sigma=1) -inm <mean> : (-i i ip.c) intensity normalisation (per 3D volume mean) -ing <mean> : (-I i ip.c) intensity normalisation, global 4D mean) -range : set the output calmin/max to full data range Matrix operations: -tensor_decomp : convert a 4D (6-timepoint )tensor image into L1,2,3,FA,MD,MO,V1,2,3 (remaining image in pipeline is FA) Kernel operations (set BEFORE filtering operation if desired): -kernel 3D : 3x3x3 box centered on target voxel (set as default kernel) -kernel 2D : 3x3x1 box centered on target voxel -kernel box <size> : all voxels in a cube of width <size> mm centered on target voxel -kernel boxv <size> : all voxels in a cube of width <size> voxels centered on target voxel, CAUTION: size should be an odd number -kernel boxv3 <X> <Y> <Z>: all voxels in a cuboid of dimensions X x Y x Z centered on target voxel, CAUTION: size should be an odd number -kernel gauss <sigma> : gaussian kernel (sigma in mm, not voxels) -kernel sphere <size> : all voxels in a sphere of radius <size> mm centered on target voxel -kernel file <filename> : use external file as kernel Spatial Filtering operations: N.B. all options apart from -s use the default kernel or that _previously_ specified by -kernel -dilM : Mean Dilation of non-zero voxels -dilD : Modal Dilation of non-zero voxels -dilF : Maximum filtering of all voxels -dilall : Apply -dilM repeatedly until the entire FOV is covered -ero : Erode by zeroing non-zero voxels when zero voxels found in kernel -eroF : Minimum filtering of all voxels -fmedian : Median Filtering -fmean : Mean filtering, kernel weighted (conventionally used with gauss kernel) -fmeanu : Mean filtering, kernel weighted, un-normalised (gives edge effects) -s <sigma> : create a gauss kernel of sigma mm and perform mean filtering -subsamp2 : downsamples image by a factor of 2 (keeping new voxels centred on old) -subsamp2offc : downsamples image by a factor of 2 (non-centred) Dimensionality reduction operations: (the "T" can be replaced by X, Y or Z to collapse across a different dimension) -Tmean : mean across time -Tstd : standard deviation across time -Tmax : max across time -Tmaxn : time index of max across time -Tmin : min across time -Tmedian : median across time -Tperc <percentage> : nth percentile (0-100) of FULL RANGE across time -Tar1 : temporal AR(1) coefficient (use -odt float and probably demean first) Basic statistical operations: -pval : Nonparametric uncorrected P-value, assuming timepoints are the permutations; first timepoint is actual (unpermuted) stats image -pval0 : Same as -pval, but treat zeros as missing data -cpval : Same as -pval, but gives FWE corrected P-values -ztop : Convert Z-stat to (uncorrected) P -ptoz : Convert (uncorrected) P to Z -rank : Convert data to ranks (over T dim) -ranknorm: Transform to Normal dist via ranks Multi-argument operations: -roi <xmin> <xsize> <ymin> <ysize> <zmin> <zsize> <tmin> <tsize> : zero outside roi (using voxel coordinates). Inputting -1 for a size will set it to the full image extent for that dimension. -bptf <hp_sigma> <lp_sigma> : (-t in ip.c) Bandpass temporal filtering; nonlinear highpass and Gaussian linear lowpass (with sigmas in volumes, not seconds); set either sigma<0 to skip that filter -roc <AROC-thresh> <outfile> [4Dnoiseonly] <truth> : take (normally binary) truth and test current image in ROC analysis against truth. <AROC-thresh> is usually 0.05 and is limit of Area-under-ROC measure FP axis. <outfile> is a text file of the ROC curve (triplets of values: FP TP threshold). If the truth image contains negative voxels these get excluded from all calculations. If <AROC-thresh> is positive then the [4Dnoiseonly] option needs to be set, and the FP rate is determined from this noise-only data, and is set to be the fraction of timepoints where any FP (anywhere) is seen, as found in the noise-only 4d-dataset. This is then controlling the FWE rate. If <AROC-thresh> is negative the FP rate is calculated from the zero-value parts of the <truth> image, this time averaging voxelwise FP rate over all timepoints. In both cases the TP rate is the average fraction of truth=positive voxels correctly found. Combining 4D and 3D images: If you apply a Binary operation (one that takes the current image and a new image together), when one is 3D and the other is 4D, the 3D image is cloned temporally to match the temporal dimensions of the 4D image. e.g. fslmaths inputVolume -add inputVolume2 output_volume fslmaths inputVolume -add 2.5 output_volume fslmaths inputVolume -add 2.5 -mul inputVolume2 output_volume fslmaths 4D_inputVolume -Tmean -mul -1 -add 4D_inputVolume demeaned_4D_inputVolume
fslmaths <入力画像1> [演算子あるいは入力画像] <出力画像>
例えば、拡散MRI(b=0, SE-EPI, DWI_b0.nii.gz)に対して、二値化処理し脳マスク画像を生成する場合、以下のようなコマンドになる。
fslmaths DWI_b0.nii.gz -bin DWI_b0_mask.nii.gz
生成した脳マスク画像(緑)と拡散MRI(b=0, SE-EPI, DWI_b0.nii.gz)を重ね合わせてみる。脳以外の領域に至るまでマスキングしていることが分かる。
fslmaths DWI_b0.nii.gz -thr 30 -bin DWI_b0_mask_thr30.nii.gz
しきい値処理をして生成した脳マスク画像(緑)と拡散MRI(b=0, SE-EPI, DWI_b0.nii.gz)を重ね合わせてみる。ノイズ部分のマスキングが解消されていることが分かる。
以下のような、CSF/GM/WMのラベル(CSF: 1, GM: 2, WM: 3)があったとする。
fslmaths CSF_GM_WM_seg.nii.gz -thr 2 -uthr 2 GM.nii.gz
USAGE mrthreshold [ options ] input [ output ] input the input image to be thresholded output the (optional) output binary image mask DESCRIPTION The threshold value to be applied can be determined in one of a number of ways: - If no relevant command-line option is used, the command will automatically determine an optimal threshold; - The -abs option provides the threshold value explicitly; - The -percentile, -top and -bottom options enable more fine-grained control over how the threshold value is determined. The -mask option only influences those image values that contribute toward the determination of the threshold value; once the threshold is determined, it is applied to the entire image, irrespective of use of the -mask option. If you wish for the voxels outside of the specified mask to additionally be excluded from the output mask, this can be achieved by providing the -out_masked option. The four operators available through the "-comparison" option ("lt", "le", "ge" and "gt") correspond to "less-than" (<), "less-than-or-equal" (<=), "greater-than-or-equal" (>=) and "greater-than" (>). This offers fine-grained control over how the thresholding operation will behave in the presence of values equivalent to the threshold. By default, the command will select voxels with values greater than or equal to the determined threshold ("ge"); unless the -bottom option is used, in which case after a threshold is determined from the relevant lowest-valued image voxels, those voxels with values less than or equal to that threshold ("le") are selected. This provides more fine-grained control than the -invert option; the latter is provided for backwards compatibility, but is equivalent to selection of the opposite comparison within this selection. If no output image path is specified, the command will instead write to standard output the determined threshold value. Threshold determination mechanisms -abs value specify threshold value as absolute intensity -percentile value determine threshold based on some percentile of the image intensity distribution -top count determine threshold that will result in selection of some number of top-valued voxels -bottom count determine & apply threshold resulting in selection of some number of bottom-valued voxels (note: implies threshold application operator of "le" unless otherwise specified) Threshold determination modifiers -allvolumes compute a single threshold for all image volumes, rather than an individual threshold per volume -ignorezero ignore zero-valued input values during threshold determination -mask image compute the threshold based only on values within an input mask image Threshold application modifiers -comparison choice comparison operator to use when applying the threshold; options are: lt,le,ge,gt (default = "le" for -bottom; "ge" otherwise) -invert invert the output binary mask (equivalent to flipping the operator; provided for backwards compatibility) -out_masked mask the output image based on the provided input mask image -nan set voxels that fail the threshold to NaN rather than zero (output image will be floating-point rather than binary) Standard options -info display information messages. -quiet do not display information messages or progress status; alternatively, this can be achieved by setting the MRTRIX_QUIET environment variable to a non-empty string. -debug display debugging messages. -force force overwrite of output files (caution: using the same file as input and output might cause unexpected behaviour). -nthreads number use this number of threads in multi-threaded applications (set to 0 to disable multi-threading). -config key value (multiple uses permitted) temporarily set the value of an MRtrix config file entry. -help display this information page and exit. -version display version information and exit.
mrthreshold [オプション] <入力画像> <出力画像>
例えば、拡散MRI(b=0, SE-EPI, DWI_b0.nii.gz)に対して、二値化処理し脳マスク画像を生成する場合、以下のようなコマンドになる。
では、の4種類(“lt”, “le”, “ge”, “gt”)の操作ができ、それぞれ“less-than” (<), “less-than-or-equal” (<=), “greater-than-or-equal” (>=), “greater-than” (>)を意味する。
mrthreshold -abs 0 -comparison gt DWI_b0.nii.gz DWI_b0_mask.nii.gz
生成した脳マスク画像(緑)と拡散MRI(b=0, SE-EPI, DWI_b0.nii.gz)を重ね合わせてみる。脳以外の領域に至るまでマスキングしていることが分かる。
そこで、信号値30以下をカットするようにしきい値処理をするために、-abs 30
mrthreshold -abs 30 -comparison gt DWI_b0.nii.gz DWI_b0_mask_thr30.nii.gz
しきい値処理をして生成した脳マスク画像(緑)と拡散MRI(b=0, SE-EPI, DWI_b0.nii.gz)を重ね合わせてみる。ノイズ部分のマスキングが解消されていることが分かる。
以下のような、CSF/GM/WMのラベル(CSF: 1, GM: 2, WM: 3)があったとする。
mrthreshold -abs 2 -comparison gt CSF_GM_WM_seg.nii.gz WM.nii.gz
Liux版のFSLには、eddy_openmp というCPU版と、eddy_cuda{8.0,9.1}というGPU版があります。
Ubuntu 18.04 が搭載されているLinuxで NVIDIA製のグラフィックボードが搭載されている場合、eddy_cudaを比較的簡単にセットアップできるので紹介します。